16 April Unscheduled Council Meeting

The Confirmed Minutes and  Agenda for Council's Unscheduled Meeting held on 16 April 2021 virtually.

Golden Plains Shire Council will hold an unscheduled virtual meeting at 3pm on Friday 16 April, 2021 to consider a petition on the Rokewood Uniting Church.

Councillors will participate in the meeting virtually under the provisions of the Victorian Government’s COVID-19 legislation. The meeting will be accessible to members of the public through the livestream through the link below.



16 April Unscheduled Council Meeting Minutes

Please note - A Notice of Motion to rescind the resolution of Council in Item 5.4 at the Unscheduled Meeting of Council on 16 / 04 / 2021 was submitted to the Meeting of Council to be held on 27 / 04 / 2021 and was resolved to be rescinded.


16 April Unscheduled Council Meeting Agenda