29 June Council Meeting

The Confirmed Minutes and Agenda for Council's Meeting held at the Golden Plains Civic Centre on 29 June 2021.

With restrictions eased, members of the public are once again able to attend Council Meetings in-person. In line with remaining density limits and Council's COVID-Safe Plan, the public gallery at the Golden Plains Civic Centre is be limited, with members of the public encouraged to reserve a seat below to ensure they do not miss out.

Register here

The meeting will be accessible to members of the public through the livestream through the link below.



29 June Council Meeting minutes


29 June Council Meeting Agenda

Att 7.5 - Adoption of Golden Plains Shire Council Plan 2021-2025

Att 7.6a - Adoption of Golden Plains Shire Council Budget 2021-22

Att 7.6b - Adoption of Golden Plains Shire Council Budget 2021-22

Att 7.7 - Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 - Report Findings

Att 7.8 - VAGO Report on Local Roads

Att 7.9 - Enforcement Policy - Adoption

Att 7.10 - Annual Adoption of Procurement Policy