24 September Ordinary Council Meeting

The Confirmed Minutes, Agenda and Attachments for Council's Ordinary Meeting held at Bannockburn Shire Hall on 24 September 2019.


24 September 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes


24 September Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

Att 7.4a - P19-081 - 605 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Bannockburn for the use and development of the land for industry (composting facility)

Att 7.4b- P19-081 - 605 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Bannockburn for the use and development of the land for industry (composting facility)

Att 7.4c - P19-081 - 605 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Bannockburn for the use and development of the land for industry (composting facility)

Att 7.4d - P19-081 - 605 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Bannockburn for the use and development of the land for industry (composting facility)

Att 7.4e - P19-081 - 605 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Bannockburn for the use and development of the land for industry (composting facility)

Att 7.5a - P19-084 - 85 Ackland Road, Lethbridge for a two-lot subdivision

Att 7.5b - P19-084 - 85 Ackland Road, Lethbridge for a two-lot subdivision

Att 7.8a - Endorsement of the Bannockburn Transport Strategy

Att 7.8b - Endorsement of the Bannockburn Transport Strategy

Att 7.8c - Endorsement of the Bannockburn Transport Strategy

Att 7.9 - Local Government Inspectorate Examination – Progress Report

Att 7.10 - Policy and Procedure Framework

Att 7.11 - Review of Instrument of Delegation - Council to CEO

Att 7.12 - Financial Assistance Grants - Final 2019-20 Allocation

Att 7.13 - Quarterly Finance Report

Att 7.14 - In-Principle Performance Statement and In-Principle Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2019

Att 7.15 - Policies - Asset Disposal and Reserve and Provision Funding

Att 7.16 - Audit & Risk Committee Report - 10 September 2019

Att 7.17 - Procurement Policy Review