Citizenship Ceremonies

Choosing to become an Australian citizen is a very important expression of commitment to being part of Australia's future. Golden Plains Shire places a high importance on Australian Citizenship and hosts ceremonies approximately 4 times a year.

People at a Citizenship Ceremony in Golden Plains

So, if you are a permanent resident and you have lived in Australia for two or more years, you may be eligible to apply for citizenship.

To become a citizen, you will need to complete the following steps:

  • Confirm that you are eligible
  • Get an application kit (available from post offices or by contacting the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880)
  • Fill in and lodge the form and pay the application fee. Reduced fees are available to eligible applicants
  • Attend a short interview
  • Find out when your citizenship ceremony will be
  • Attend the ceremony, make the pledge and receive your Citizenship certificate

The role of Local Government Councils is to confer Australian Citizenship once the application is approved by the Department of Home Affairs. Golden Plains Shire Council receives certificates from the Department and averages approximately 35 conferrals a year.

Citizenship ceremonies are warm, friendly events where you celebrate becoming an Australian citizen. You might want to invite your family and friends to be part of this important step you are taking and to celebrate your Citizenship with you. Please dress in smart casual or you are welcome to wear cultural attire.

Citizenship Information

Phone: 131 880


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