Established by Council with delegated responsibilities under Section 86 of the Local Government Act (1989) to directly manage facilities on behalf of Council.
A number of Council managed facilities are delegated under the Local Government Act (1989) to local committees of management who directly manage these facilities on behalf of Council.
Committees of Management
Council's Committees of Management oversee a range of facilities including recreation reserves, sporting stadiums, public halls, open space and native reserves.
The community is a Committee of Management's main client group. A good relationship with the community is an important part of ensuring that a facility is used, enjoyed, appreciated and developed by all. Golden Plains Shire encourages community involvement in the management and development of community facilities to ensure that community needs are met and that resources remain in the hands of the community.
By organising a group of interested people into a Committee, tasks such as managing facilities or organisations can be tackled effectively by: sharing information; sharing and developing ideas; sharing the work load; representing member organisations; planning and stimulating thought. Most importantly Committees make it possible for various views and interests to be considered before making decisions.
The size of local Committees of Management differs. Councils Section 86 Committees of Management should refer to their Instrument of Delegation for further details.
Committee of Management Resource Manual
The purpose of the Committee of Management Resource Manual is to provide an overview to good governance and operational issues for members of a Committee of Management, whether starting out on a Committee or as a long term member.
The Manual acknowledges:
- The responsibilities of Committees of Management
- The skills and resources required to ensure the successful operation of community facilities; and
- The need for greater support from Council
The eight key sections of the Committee of Management Resource Manual are available for download below in pdf format, or you can see the full manual here.
- Introduction
- Legal Responsibilities
- Governance
- Facility Management
- Facility Hire
- Managing Volunteers
- Relevant Organisations
- Definitions
The following forms are provided to assist committees of management in their operations.
Annual Building Inspection and Management Report
Fire Fighting Equipment Checklist
Further information This site offers information such as sample role descriptions, policy templates, planning documentation and all kinds of useful resources such as advice on governance issues or planning.