Fire is a natural part of our landscape and we must be prepared to deal with this hazard.

The 2024/25 Fire Danger Period will commence at 1.00a.m. on Monday 25 November 2024. All fires must be extinguished by that time.
As a community, we all have a responsibility to be prepared for fire. Golden Plains Shire Council works with the community through the Municipal Fire Management Planning Sub-Committee to develop the Municipal Fire Management Plan. This plan identifies the fire risks in the Shire and how they are to be managed to minimise the impact of fire on the community.
The tragic events of Black Saturday in 2009 brought issues of community fire preparedness and fire management into sharp focus and Council today continues to work with communities to ensure fire prevention practices are undertaken in our Shire.
Council continues to implement its annual fire prevention program, maintain Neighbourhood Safer Places - Places of Last Resort (NSP-PLR), liaise with CFA and DEECA and implement the requirements of the Golden Plains Planning Scheme Bushfire Management Overlay in order to achieve this.
Council plays an important role in the planning and management of emergencies in the municipality. As the closest level of government to the community, Council has a responsibility to plan, respond and assist with recovery in the event of an emergency affecting its community.