Golden Plains Shire uses planned burning on Council owned or managed land for both fuel management and ecological purposes.
Council Planned Burns
Council has developed an in-house planned burn team to conduct small fuel reduction and ecological burns on Council owned or managed land. These burns are conducted during very low risk times outside of the declared Fire Danger Period and under strict weather prescriptions to minimise risk. Neighbours and relevant authorities are notified in advance of the burns.
The establishment of the burn crew reduces Councils dependence on volunteer CFA resources to undertake small burns.
CFA Planned Burns
CFA conduct planned burns across Golden Plains Shire primarily for fuel reduction purposes. These burns are conducted on Council and Vicroads roadsides, within Council reserves, on some Crown Land and on private land. The burns are planned and conducted as per CFA Standard Operating Procedures and under strict weather and resourcing prescriptions to minimise risk. The execution of these burns is reliant on the weather meeting the burn prescription and the availability of CFA volunteers from local CFA brigades.
Council supports planned burning by CFA brigades by issuing required permits as a priority, establishing roadside fire breaks on Council roadsides, developing burn plans and providing traffic control where required.
DELWP Planned Burns
The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action conducts planned burns in parks and forests in Golden Plains Shire. Click the link to see planned burns scheduled for the next 10 days.
For more information regarding planned burns, please contact Councils Municipal Fire Prevention Officer on 5220 7111.