Over the last few years, a number of new laws controlling tobacco have come into effect in Victoria. These laws include:
A ban on the display of tobacco products at point-of-sale with an exemption for certified 'specialist tobacconists'
Smoking bans in a motor vehicle if a person under the age of 18 years is present
A ban on the sale of tobacco products from temporary outlets
A power for the Minister of Health to ban the sale of certain tobacco products and packaging that appeal to young people, and
Amendments to penalties and enforcement provisions.
These laws have been put in place to help keep the Victorian community free from tobacco-related illnesses. The Council's Environmental Health Department is responsible for ensuring that all premises within Golden Plains Shire are compliant with these laws.
For the latest information on tobacco reforms refer to the Department of Health and Human Services website.
Tobacco Retailers
Tobacco retailers have an important role to play in our community, as more than 90% of Australian smokers began smoking when they were a teenager.
If you are a proprietor of a business which sells tobacco, please read the Tobacco Retailer Guide carefully, as it is your responsibility as a tobacco retailer to ensure that you, your staff and your business are complying with all the laws and legislation.
Licensed Premises
Smoking is not permitted in enclosed licensed premises and outdoor dining or drinking areas where there is a roof in place and walls that cover more than 75% of the total notional wall area. The licensed premises is considered to be the whole premises, including the parts where patrons are not permitted access to.
Smoking is not permitted in an enclosed premises at any time, including outside trading hours. This includes managers, employees, security, volunteers, patrons and members of the public.
If you are a proprietor of a licensed premises or outdoor dining or drinking area, please carefully read the Smoke-free Guide: Licensed Premises and Outdoor Dining or Drinking Areas and ensure that you are complying with all of the requirements of the Tobacco Act.
Smoke-free Workplaces
Under the Tobacco Act 1987, it is now an offence to smoke in any enclosed workplace. Before the ban, more than 30% of Victoria's workforce was exposed to second hand tobacco smoke in their workplace. Tobacco kills almost 5,000 Victorians annually and costs the community over $5 billion in terms of social and economic costs each year.
Employers, employees, voluntary workers, customers and members of the public are not permitted to smoke in offices, work sheds, staff rooms, lunchrooms, cafeterias, restrooms, work vehicles, temporary structures or any other part of a working space that is enclosed.
Please carefully read the Smoke-free Workplaces Guide to ensure that your workplace complies with the requirements under the Tobacco Act 1987.