Community members were invited to provide feedback on Council's Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 from 30 September to 28 October 2021. Following the exhibition period, he Golden Plains Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 was adopted by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 23 November, 2021.
The Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 (Strategy) describes cultural aspirations for Golden Plains and details four clear strategic directions, each with a list of key actions. The objectives guiding the Strategy ensure that arts, culture and heritage initiatives will directly and measurably contribute to connected and resilient communities in Golden Plains over the next four years, with strong links to positive health and wellbeing and economic development outcomes.
Responding directly to the relevant strategic objectives of the Council Plan 2021-2025, in line with the Golden Plains Community Vision 2040, the Draft Strategy promotes understanding and celebration of the Shire’s Indigenous heritage, rich histories and creative future.
The Strategy was developed from extensive community consultation earlier in 2021. Following an Expression of Interest process, a dedicated Community Reference Group was formed to guide the development of the Strategy. Council also held six community workshops with a total of 40 participants and 35 residents shared their ideas via a paper and online survey in May and June.
Engagement Update
At its meeting on 28 September, Council endorsed the Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 (Draft Strategy) for public exhibition from 30 September to 28 October 2021. The Draft Strategy was available to read online or at Council's Customer Service Centres.
Community members were able to provide feedback on the Draft Strategy during the public exhibition period online, by email or by post, with submissions closing at 11.59pm, Thursday 28 October, 2021.
Following the exhibition period, the Golden Plains Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 was adopted by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 23 November, 2021.
Thursday 13 May 2021
Arts, Culture and Heritage Survey opened
Friday 21 May 2021
Reference Groups EOIs closed
Tuesday 15 June to Wednesday 23 June 2021
In-person and online workshops held
Wednesday 23 June 2021
Arts, Culture and Heritage Survey closed
28 September 2021
Council endorses Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 for public exhibition
30 September 2021
Public exhibition period begins. Feedback opened.
28 October 2021
Public exhibition period ends. Feedback closed.
November 2021
Final Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 adopted by Council