This consultation is now closed. Council invited feedback on its draft Management Plan for Bakers Lane Reserve in Teesdale from 18 May 2020 to 30 June 2020. Bakers Lane Reserve in Teesdale was created as part of the Bakers Lane subdivision to protect remnant elements of endangered Plains Grassy Woodland and form part of Council’s open space for passive recreation.
A Management Plan has now been developed by Council's Natural Resources Officer. The Management Plan is broad and general in scope and provides a basis upon which decisions can be made regarding the future management of the Reserve.
Under the Management Plan, the Reserve will be managed to protect and enhance the natural assets of the area, while recognising and facilitating suitable public use in keeping with the conservation aim.
Key points:
- Fire - invasion of the Reserve by high fuel load introduced grasses and weeds poses a fire hazard to neighbouring properties. A program of burning in grassland areas aims to reduce the introduced grass burden, encourage low fuel load native grasses and reduce fire hazard.
- Pest plants - control of declared and environmental weeds is ongoing.
- Revegetation - ongoing revegetation efforts will be focused on enhancing the Reserve's biodiversity with local indigenous species.
A copy of the Management Plan can be accessed here.
How You Can Be Involved
Council is now inviting public feedback on the draft Management Plan. Feedback can be provided via email to [email protected]. Feedback will be accepted until Tuesday 30 June, 2020.
Related documents
18 May 2020 - Consultation commences
30 June 2020 - Consultation closes
July/August 2020 - Final Plan adopted by Council