Bannockburn Family Services Centre Lease

This consultation has now closed.

This consultation is now closed. Council has commenced the statutory procedures under section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989 to invite public submissions on its intention to grant a lease to Kardinia Childcare Inc. for part of the Bannockburn Family Services Centre, 2a Pope St, Bannockburn.


At its Ordinary Meeting on 28 July, 2020, Council resolved to commence the statutory procedures under section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989 to invite public submissions on its intention to grant a lease to Kardinia Childcare Inc. for part of the Bannockburn Family Services Centre, 2a Pope St, Bannockburn.

The lease proposal is on the following terms and conditions:

  • Commencement of operations: To be agreed between the parties
  • Rent Year 1: $184,400 per annum plus GST
  • Rental increase: 4% every year from second anniversary of commencement date
  • Term: 5 years with a further 5 year option.

The proposal includes that the Tenant would commence operating from the centre in January 2021.

The part of the premises that is subject to the proposal generally shown on the plan below:

Aerial View BFSC with black outline.PNG


How You Can Be Involved

This consultation is now closed. Written submissions had to be received by the Chief Executive Officer, by 5pm, Wednesday 26 August, 2020.

What Happens Next

Submissions must be received by the Chief Executive Officer, by 5pm, Wednesday 26 August, 2020.

A person may also request in their submission to be heard in support of their submission and/or to nominate a representative to present their submission before Council at a proposed Unscheduled Meeting to be held on Tuesday 1 September at 6pm at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope St, Bannockburn.

With respect to Coronavirus (COVID-19), members of the public are not able to attend in person however, the meeting will be accessible online to the public and will be livestreamed on Council's YouTube page.

Submitters who have requested to speak will present to Council via video conference call.

There is also a proposed Unscheduled Meeting for the signing of the Bannockburn Family Services Centre Long Day Care Lease Tuesday 8 September at 6pm.

The agendas for both meetings will be available on Council’s website prior to the meeting.