Construction on the Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade will begin in September. Thank you to everyone who inspected and provided feedback on the plans for the Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade in April.
The Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade will rejuvenate and upgrade the popular youth facility and address public safety and security issues at the site and wider precinct.
The project will incorporate a safe, accessible and modern design to maximise the usability and ownership of the site, while supporting local economic activity.
The existing skate park will be expanded, with new skate elements including quarter pipes, ramps, boxes and rails to be installed. Other works will include the installation of a shade shelter, drinking fountain, bike racks, lockers, lighting, safety signage and seating. Repairing of the existing concrete slab, with landscaping and electrical works will also be included as part of the project.
The Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade is a partnership project with funding from the Victorian and Australian Governments.
The Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade is a partnership project with funding from the Victorian and Australian Governments. The $450,000 project is funded by a $250,000 Community Safety Infrastructure grant from the Victorian Government’s Community Crime Prevention Program, $199,900 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Engagement Update
Local young people have been actively involved with the project’s technical and creative design process through consultation earlier this year and engagement with the project’s principal contractor, CONVIC.
Community members were invited to inspect and provide feedback on the plans for the Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade online or at an information session in late April. The Plans were on display on this page, and at the Bannockburn Skate Park, 3 Moor Street, Bannockburn from 4 to 6pm on Thursday 29 April, with Council officers and staff from the project's builder Convic onsite to answer questions from the community and record feedback. Skate Park Leagues also ran two beginner scoot clinics on the day.
Feedback was also able to be provided by completing an online form, by email or by post.
What Happens Next
To allow for construction of the park’s new elements, the Victoria Park Skate Park at 3 Moore Street, Bannockburn will close from Wednesday 15 September. The skate park is expected to reopen in early-November, with rolling short-term closures to take place until the end of the year to complete the lighting and artwork components of the project.
Feedback on plans opens
Tuesday 20 April, 2021
Information Session and skate and scoot clinic
4 to 6pm, Thursday 29 April, 2021
Feedback on plans closes
5pm, Monday 3 May, 2021
Construction begins
15 September, 2021
Upgraded skate park opens
Late 2021