Council adopted its new Community Engagement Policy on 23 February 2021.
The Community Engagement Policy provides guiding principles, requirements and processes for Council to follow when undertaking community engagement.
As part of new requirements introduced under the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act), all councils are required to adopt and maintain a Community Engagement Policy, and have one adopted on or before 1 March 2021. Council’s Draft Policy provides a clear and succinct process that improves Council’s existing practises to ensure deliberative engagement opportunities are well planned, inclusive, accessible and appropriate.
In ensuring compliance with the Act, the Policy has been developed to give effect to the Act’s community engagement principles and define the deliberative engagement practices that will applied to the Community Vision, Council Plan, Financial Plan, Asset Plan and any other engagement processes as determined by Council, including the making of local laws, budget and policy development and strategies. The Draft Community Engagement Policy was developed by Council officers following participation in sector-wide better practice forums and workshops led by Local Government Victoria.
The Community Engagement Policy is now available at the link below or on Council’s Policies webpage here.
Engagement Update
At its November Meeting, Council endorsed the Draft Community Engagement Policy to go out for public exhibition and feedback from 26 November 2020 to 11 January 2021. As no submissions were received during this time, the final Community Engagement Policy was adopted without change by Council at its February 2021 Council Meeting.
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Thursday 26 November 2020
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Monday 11 January 2021
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Tuesday 23 February 2021
Community Engagement Policy adopted by Council