Council adopted the Golden Plains Shire Disability Action Plan Strategic Framework 2025-2029 (the Strategic Framework) at its 26 August Council Meeting.
The Strategic Framework was adopted following an extensive community consultation process from March to July. The Framework is designed to enhance accessibility and inclusivity, enabling people with disabilities and other access challenges to fully engage with Council and benefit from Council’s services. The Framework outlines specific actions in the Council Plan aimed improving quality of life for all residents, workers and visitors to the Shire.
Read the Disability Action Plan Strategic Framework 2025-2029
Community Engagement Summary Report
Throughout March 2024, Golden Plains Shire Council undertook a new community engagement process seeking feedback on the new Disability Action Plan 2025-2029.
A report was prepared outlining the process and feedback received which has informed the development of the Disability Action Plan Strategic Framework 2025-2029.
Read the Community Engagement Summary Report
Have Your Say Survey
The Have Your Say survey was open from Friday 28 June until Friday 26 July. Thank you to all community members who provided a survey response.
More Information
For further information, contact Council’s Access and Inclusion Officer on 5220 7111.