Golden Growers

This opportunity for feedback is now closed. Thank you to all our local vegetable growers who completed the survey.

The Golden Growers survey closed on Monday 3 August. Thank you to all our local vegetable growers who completed the survey. 


We know that eating vegetables is great for our health. They are a fantastic source of many vitamins and minerals, and consuming a wide variety of vegetables regularly as part of a balanced diet is a protective measure in preventing lifestyle-related diseases such as high cholesterol, type two diabetes and heart disease.

While most people have access to purchasing vegetables at a local supermarket or store, other Golden Plains Shire residents face barriers to purchasing fresh produce, either for financial or geographic reasons. We are calling on our local gardeners to share their gardening knowledge, tips and ideas to help others in our community grow their own vegetables and improve vegetable access and affordability for all.

Engagement Update

The Golden Growers survey closed on Monday 3 August, 2020.

What Happens Next

Council will collate the responses and share back with community as part of our Golden Growers project. You can find out more about the project by following the below link: