Earlier this year, Council invited community members to take part in its Golden Plains Youth Survey.
Golden Plains Shire Council is encouraging all residents to participate in the Golden Plains Youth Survey to help shape a brighter future for young people in our communities. This is a valuable platform to provide feedback on important issues that affect young people and support Council to create opportunities that will contribute to healthier, happier and more connected young people in Golden Plains.
The Golden Plains Youth Survey features two survey options – one for local youth and young people aged 12 to 25 years and one for community members aged 26 years and older, including family members, Shire residents and ratepayers, and service providers. The tailored surveys are designed to capture a wide range of views, ideas and perspectives, that are valuable to learn more about the needs and wants of local young people and their families and supporters.
Engagement Update
Between 22 March and 3 May, 361 young people and 112 community members from 30 communities completed the survey, which contained one survey for youth aged 12 to 25 years and another for community members aged 26 years and older.
Young people and community members agreed that COVID-19, social connections and mental health were the top three issues of personal concern for young people, while transport was a common barrier for young people from participating in community life.
The survey found that two-thirds of participants felt there were not enough support services for young people in Golden Plains Shire, and there was a strong desire for better mental health support services in the Golden Plains. A more detailed breakdown of the survey’s results can be found below.
What Happens Next
The survey has provided Council with valuable feedback on important issues that affect young people, and the results are already supporting Council to create opportunities that will contribute to healthier, happier and more connected young people in Golden Plains.
Council has committed to addressing the areas of concern raised in its Council Plan 2021-2025 and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. As part of its COVID-19 response program, Council also recently advertised for tenders to provide mental health support services to improve access to these important services across the Shire.
Construction is also currently underway on the Golden Plains Youth Hub located opposite the Shire’s only high school, Bannockburn College P-12. The Golden Plains Youth Hub will be a vibrant facility that will provide inclusive, innovative and accessible programs and services for young people in Golden Plains.
Monday 22 March, 2021 - Survey Opens
Monday 3 May, 2021 - Survey Closes