Naming of Un-named Road, Lethbridge

Thank you for sharing your feedback on Council’s intention to name an un-named road in Lethbridge 'Capron Lane'.

Community members were able to share their feedback on Council’s intention to name an un-named road in Lethbridge Capron Lane.


Council received a request from a resident to name a section of unmade road leading to their property, which would allow it to be added to Council’s road register for maintenance and grading. Naming the road will also better assist postal and emergency services to easily locate the property.

The road is located off Clarkes Road, Lethbridge as per the maps below:

Capron Lane.PNG

Following consultation with the resident and receiving in-principle support from the Victorian Office of Geographic Names, Council endorsed the intention to name the road Capron Lane at its March Council Meeting, and invited public feedback on the name. The Office of Geographic Names gave in-principle support for the name based on:

  • W. Capron was an original landowner in the area as shown on the parish plan;
  • The Capron family owned a large dairy farm in nearby Russells Bridge; and
  • There is evidence to show that the section of road was previously known as ‘Capron Lane’, but the name had not been registered.

The name 'Capron Lane' was also assessed against all 12 of the naming principles and found to be compliant.

How You Can Be Involved

Feedback was open on the name Capron Lane until 5pm, Friday 23 April, 2021. Members of the public could provide feedback on the name or submit name nomination(s) online, by email or by post. All name submissions needed to comply with the Victorian Government’s Naming Rules for Places in Victoria. Details can be found at

Any person who made a written submission is advised all submissions and personal information in the submission will be handled by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

What Happens Next

Once the consultation period ends, all submissions will be collated and presented to Council for consideration at its May Council Meeting on 25 May 2021.

If no submissions are received, Council will send a request to the Registrar of Geographic Names to officially register 'Capron Lane' as the name of the road.