Council is dedicated to managing roadside weed and pest issues and is actively seeking input from the community for the creation of its Roadside Weeds and Pests Control Plan 2023-2026 (the Plan).
The Plan will assist Council to identify the prevalent weed and pest species along Council’s roadsides to enable the implementation of appropriate measures by Council officers.
Community feedback is vital in shaping this Plan, ensuring that it aligns with local priorities and concerns.
Council’s Roadside Weed Control program is part of a broader state-wide initiative aimed at preventing the spread of invasive weeds and pests on rural roads.
The Roadside Weeds and Pests Control Plan is funded by a $49,128 grant from the Victorian Government’s Roadside Weeds and Pests Program.
The funding will be used to support Council’s Roadside Weed Control program and development of the Plan, targeting declared weeds including Serrated Tussock, Gorse, Blackberry, Sweet Briar, Broom sp., Boxthorn and Hawthorn.
How You Can Be Involved
The survey will be open from Monday 28 August to 5pm, Monday 25 September and can be made online below or hard copies can be collected from Council’s Customer Hubs, Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn and The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.
For more information, contact Council’s Environment and Sustainability Team at [email protected] or call 5220 7111.
What Happens Next
Once the Plan has been finalised, it will be submitted by Council to Agriculture Victoria for endorsement.