Council sought feedback from 16 September to 11 October on a proposal to lower the speed limit on a section of Sebastopol-Smythesdale Road in Ross Creek to improve road safety.
Golden Plains Shire Council sought feedback from the community on a proposal to lower the speed limit on a 3.5km section of Sebastopol-Smythesdale Road in Ross Creek from 100km/h to 80km/h between the end of the existing 80km/h speed zone west of Vaggs Road and the City of Ballarat boundary northeast of the intersection with Bells Road to improve road safety.
The above map shows the section of Sebastopol-Smythesdale Road subject to the proposed speed reduction in green.
Engagement Update
Community members and road users were invited to provide feedback to Council on the proposed speed reduction online, by email or by post, with 90 community members taking the time to make a submission.
There was a low level of community support for the proposed speed reduction and therefore Council will not proceed with an application to Rural Roads Victoria for the proposal.
What Happens Next
Council will continue to monitor the safety of the road and work with Rural Roads Victoria to review speed limits across the Shire where appropriate.
Thursday 16 September, 2021:
Feedback opens
Monday 11 October, 2021:
Feedback closes at 9am