Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 allows you to ask for access to documents created by Golden Plains Shire Council and those supplied to us by external organisations and individuals.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, you can ask to see or get copies of:

  • Documents about your personal affairs regardless of the age of the documents
  • Any other documents which were created on/after 1 January, 1980

Freedom of Information (FOI) Part II Statement

The Freedom of Information Part II Statement provides a snapshot of our powers and functions, the documents and information we keep and the ways you can access them. Providing easily accessible information reduces the need to submit FOI requests under the Act.

If you cannot locate the information you are seeking after reviewing the Part II Statement and conducting a search on our website, we encourage you to contact our Freedom of Information Officer on (03) 5220 7111 or email before making a formal FOI request. In some instances we will be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without going through a formal process.

FOI Part II Statement


There are two costs associated with making a Freedom of Information request:

  • The Application cost.
  • The Access cost.

The application fee is a fixed cost which in non-refundable. The only exception is for people suffering hardship who can ask for the fee to be waived.

Access charges relate to costs incurred in granting access to the document(s) you have requested. These costs may or may not apply depending on the nature of your request. The following table outlines these costs. All fees and charges are exempt from GST.

Charges are set by Government Regulations. You can access a copy of these regulations and obtain information relating to Freedom of Information at the Freedom of Information Website.

Freedom of Information Request Form

See the information on the table below.
Application Fee$32.70 non-refundable unless fee is waived
Search charges$24.50 per hour (or part thereof)
Supervision charge$24.50 per hour (or part thereof)
Photocopying charges$0.20 per A4 black and white page or reasonable cost of making copies
Providing access in a form other than photocopyingThe reasonable costs incurred by the agency in providing the copy