Our Performance page provides a snapshot of how we report on our performance for the services and programs envisioned in our Council Plan. We make this information available to increase our transparency and accountability.
Council’s performance data can be accessed in a number of ways.
Council prepares reports each quarter to inform the community of its progress towards the Council Plan. Each report contains Council’s performance for the relevant quarter against the Council Plan, its key activities, performance measures, financial statements and capital works schedule.
Reports are prepared and published in Council's meeting agenda and minutes for each of the following quarters of each financial year:
- July – September
- October – December
- January – March
- April - June
Community Satisfaction Report
Every year, Local Government Victoria (LGV) coordinates the state-wide Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey. The main objectives of the survey are to assess the performance and services of Victoria councils across a range of measures and to seek insight on ways to provide improved or more efficient service delivery, as well as fulfilling the statutory reporting requirements of councils.
- Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 (and Tailored Report 2021)
- Community Satisfaction Survey 2020 (and Tailored Report 2020)
- Community Satisfaction Survey 2019 (and Tailored Report 2019)
- Community Satisfaction Survey 2018 (and Tailored Report 2018)
- Community Satisfaction Survey 2017
- Community Satisfaction Survey 2016
Local Government Inspectorate (LGI) Governance Audit
The Local Government Inspectorate lodged a report on 28 February 2019 detailing the results of Golden Plains Shire Council’s Governance Audit.
In November 2018 Golden Plains Shire Council participated in an examination by the Local Government Inspectorate (LGI) to ensure the Council's governance arrangements met the expectations of the community and the legislated framework.
As the integrity agency for local government in Victoria, the Local Government Inspectorate conducted the examination, consulting with elected Councillors and Council administration officers as part of the inspection.
The examination process included:
- a series of meetings with senior staff;
- provision and review of Council records and documents; and
- follow up decisions with senior staff.
The examination and investigation report was broken down into the following areas:
- Governance culture
- Governance schedule
- Policy framework
- Sale of land
- CEO/Senior Officer performance reviews
- Corporate credit cards
- Interest returns
- Audit Committee
- Special Committees
- Councillor expenses and reimbursement
- Government grants
- Delegations
- Authorised officers; and
- Procurement.
Council were requested to respond to the matters raised in the report and a response was lodged with the LGI on the 2 April 2019. Council lodged a further Progress Report with the LGI on the 1 August 2019 and the 31 October 2019. All agreed actions have now been reported as completed.
Most of the areas examined came with recommendations on ways to improve current process and practices. Council were supportive of all the recommendations contained within the report and steps have been taken to implement any outstanding recommended actions.
The examination has been beneficial to Council and the advice provided during various stages of the process was extremely valuable. The examination highlighted areas that can be improved and strengthened by making adjustments to current processes and practices and additional, identified measures to lead towards best practice in the local government sector. It is noted that the report also highlighted some areas where Council are meeting expectations, such as policy review and appointment of authorised officers.
Related Documents
Council Response - Progress Report - November 2019
Council Response - Procurement Report - November 2019
Council Response - Progress Report - August 2019
Council Response - Procurement Report - August 2019
Local Government Inspectorate Report - February 2019
GPS response to LGI Governance Audit - April 2019
The latest Council Plan Implementation report for July 2018 can be viewed here: Att 7.4a - Council Plan Implementation.pdf and part two here: Att 7.4b - Council Plan Implementation.pdf
The final performance report for each financial year is the Annual Report, (which can be viewed by clicking the link).
The quarterly report also includes Council’s performance against the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) and can be found on the Victorian Government’s Know Your Council website. The Victorian Government established the LGPRF in 2014 to ensure that all councils measure and report on their performance in a consistent way.
Council also takes part in an annual community satisfaction survey designed to assess the performance of the Golden Plains Shire Council across a range of measures. We use the feedback to identify ways to provide improvement or more effective service delivery to residents. The survey involves approximately 400 interviews conducted among a representative sample of residents. We appreciate the time residents take to assist us with their valuable feedback.
For further information regarding Council’s Performance Reporting please contact us on 5220 7111.
Know Your Council (link to external website)
Quarterly Reporting (link to meeting agenda and minutes page)