C67 SWLAS update
This amendment has been prepared by the Golden Plains Shire Council which is the planning authority for this amendment.
The Amendment affects land within the Devils Kitchen, Brisbane Ranges & Rowsley Scarp and Barrabool Hills localities.
What the amendment does
The amendment implements the recommendations of the South West Landscape Assessment Study, Planisphere, June 2013 (SWLAS), with additional permit requirements added to the proposed Schedule 15. These additional conditions have been proposed to align with the Central Highland Regional Growth Plan Part C 13.2 Cultural Heritage & Significant Landscapes and the land use policy to "Develop and apply a consistent range of planning measures to protect the identified values of significant landscapes".
The amendment proposes to:
- Amend the existing Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule which applies to Devils Kitchen.
- Insert the South West Landscape Assessment Study 2013 as a reference document at Clause 21.04-8.
- Apply two new Significant Landscape Overlay Schedules and Maps to the Barrabool Hills and Brisbane Ranges and Rowsley Scarp.
Specifically the amendment proposes to:
Amend Schedule 1 (Devils Kitchen) to Clause 42.03 Significant Landscape Overlay to include further detail on the statement of nature and key elements of landscape, landscape character objective to be achieved, permit requirements and decision guidelines.
- Insert a new Schedule 14 (Barrabool Hills) to Clause 42.03 Significant Landscape Overlay.
- Insert a new Schedule 15 (Brisbane Ranges and Rowsley Scarp Environs) to Clause 42.03 Significant Landscape Overlay.
- Insert Planning Scheme Maps 20SLO, 21SLO.
- Amend Planning Scheme Map 28SLO.
A copy of the executive summary of the South West Landscape Assessment Study can be found below:
All other South West Landscape Assessment Study documents and specific background information can be found at the link below:
The documents that relate to the Amendment C67 are available below:
- Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 1
- Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 14
- Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 15
Proposed Map Overlays
- Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 14 - Map 28
- Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 15 - Maps 20 & 21
If you have any queries regarding this amendment please contact Sarah Fisher, Strategic Planner from Golden Plains Shire by email [email protected] or telephone 5220 7183.