Here you can find out what's happening with the Municipal Strategic Statement ('MSS') and Local Planning Policy Framework ('LPPF').
What is happening?
Council’s Municipal Strategic Statement (‘MSS’) and Local Planning Policy Framework (‘LPPF’) has been updated to ensure it sets out the current vision for land use and development in Golden Plains Shire.
A summary of the project and the changes is provided here Golden Plains MSS and LPPF Update - Summary of Project and Changes.pdf
A ‘Background Issues and Review Paper’ was prepared to inform the update.
- Golden Plains LPPF Review - Background, Issues and Review Report.pdf
- Appendix A Background, Issues and Review Report.pdf
- Appendix D 290816 forpublicconsultation.pdf
What are the MSS and LPPF used for?
The revised MSS and LPPF will guide decision making on planning applications and sets out ways to address population and housing growth, while sustaining farming and agriculture and protecting environmental values and assets.
Why is it being updated?
The Planning and Environment Act 1987 requires Council to review its planning scheme. The revised MSS and LPPF will bring the Golden Plains Planning Scheme in line with State Planning Policy and Council’s current strategic directions and plans.
Where can I see it?
See the Draft Golden Plains MSS and LPPF.pdf
Who can I talk to?
You can contact one of Council's Strategic Planners on 5220 7111 if you have any queries.
What happens next?
A formal planning scheme amendment process will be undertaken to include the updated MSS and LPPF into the Golden Plains Planning Scheme and will include the prescribed public consultation requirements.