Golden Plains Food Forum

Golden Plains Food Forum

Golden Plains Shire Council in partnership with Sustain: The Australian Food Network will host a free Golden Plains Food Forum on Saturday 16 March 2024 from 10am to 3pm at the Golden Plains Civic Centre in Bannockburn. 

Council has partnered with Sustain: The Australian Food Network to establish a Community Food Network in 2024. This network will consist of an independent group of local food and farming enthusiasts who will work to develop an action plan to support the local agriculture and food industries and improve access to local, sustainable, and healthy food for Golden Plains residents.

The Golden Plains Food Forum (the Forum) is for likeminded, passionate community members who may be interested in joining the Community Food Network and provides the opportunity to collaborate on the best ways to create a thriving food sector in Golden Plains. 

Join our inspiring keynote speaker Millie Ross from Gardening Australia, who will share her wealth of knowledge and unique blend of gardening expertise and deep connection to nature, as well as additional dynamic guest speakers including Cr Gavin Gamble, Sarah Mansfield MP, Amy Tracey from Common Ground Project, Amanda Fisher from Geelong Food Assistance Network, Elizabeth Roberts from Ballarat Community Health and Dr Nick Rose from Sustain: The Australian Food Network.

The Forum will be held from 10am to 3pm in the Council Chambers at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn. Lunch will be provided. 

Register here