Golden Plains Shire Council Budget 2023/24 - Online Community Forum

Online Community Forum

Golden Plains Shire residents will be able to engage with Council’s Draft Budget 2023/24 at an online community forum on Tuesday 14 February.

Draft Budget 2023/24
What we’re planning to deliver in the year ahead!

Each year, Council develops its annual budget which outlines how resources are prioritised to deliver important and relevant programs to the community. The draft budget also incorporates the major initiatives identified by the Council as priorities in the Council Plan 2021 - 2025, to be undertaken during the next financial year.

Residents are encouraged to have their say on the Draft Budget 2023/24 

Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said Council has implemented a multi-phased approach for the Budget which builds on our ongoing customer and engagement promise.

“We want to provide residents with an opportunity to talk to us about what their priorities are for the next 12 months, talk to us about what’s important to them in relation to services and initiatives, and this will help us build our 2023/24 Budget.

“Council greatly values community feedback and insights. We are lucky to have an engaged and passionate community who have a deep well of knowledge and lived experience.

“We are also committed to developing a financially responsible budget, while continuing to deliver services and projects that are most important to the community.”

Get Involved

Council will host an Online Community Forum which will take place on Tuesday 14 February from 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Topics covered will include an overview of the Budget timeline, Budget composition, Council Services, Draft Capital Program, Council Plan 2021-2025 themes and actions and Council costs. The forum will also highlight the Council Budget 2023/24 Community Survey and residents will have an opportunity to discuss priorities with finance team members.

To join the forum, please click the link below.


*Please note this MS Teams link will go live on Tuesday 14 February at 6.00pm. You can access this link using smart phone but we recommend using an internet browser.

Following the forum, there will be further opportunities to comment on Council’s Budget 2023/24 before it is finalised in June this year.

Residents are also encouraged to complete the Council Budget 2023/24 Community Survey which opens on Tuesday 14 February. The survey will be available at Council’s website: