Road Grading - Lethbridge

Road Grading 2

The following roads are scheduled to be graded during this time:

29 October to 28 November 2024

Ackland Road
Brady Road
Broom Road
Bruce Street
Burrows Road
Capron Lane
Clarkes Road
Cubbitt (West) Street
Dillon Road
Easton Road
Hawkins Road
Hodges Street
Kelsall Street
Mcgillivray Road
Medina Road
Millar Road
Noyes Road
O'Connor Road
O'Hare Street
Quarry Road
Robertson Road
Russell Street
Scanlon Road
Spiller Road
Teesdale-Lethbridge Road
Tolson Street
Weston Street
Woodman Road

To find out more about how Council manages unsealed roads click here. If you wish to report a fault or defect on one of these roads click here.