Information for Candidates

The VEC will be accepting candidate nominations from Monday 9 September 2024, with nominations closing on Tuesday 17 September, 2024.

To become a candidate in a local council election, you must: 

  • be an Australian citizen 

  • be 18 years or older 

  • be enrolled in the council you're contesting 

  • have completed the mandatory Local Government candidate training 

  • not be disqualified from being a councillor. 

You cannot be a candidate for any of the following reasons: 

  • you are an undischarged bankrupt 

  • you have property that is subject to control under the law relating to bankruptcy 

  • you are employed by the council you're contesting. You can take leave from your role to nominate 

  • you have been convicted of any of the criminal offences referred to in section 34(2) of the Act 

  • you are a councillor of another council, including interstate councils 

  • you are member of any Australian state or federal parliament 

  • you are employed by a federal or state member of parliament as a ministerial officer, a parliamentary adviser or an electorate officer. You can take leave from your role to nominate 

  • you are otherwise incapable of becoming or continuing to be a councillor. 

Further details are outlined in the Local Government Act 2020.

If you're not sure if you're eligible, seek independent legal advice.

MAV Stand for Council

In partnership with Victorian Councils, the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is delivering a number of information sessions for the community and prospective candidates. These sessions can be attended either in-person or online. 

VLGA Local Government Election Pre-Candidate Programs

The Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA) has developed a suite of workshops to run in partnership with councils for their local communities. These workshops are designed to increase understanding of the local government sector, the work of councils, and the role of a councillor, leading to more informed candidates and voters.

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