2016 Australia Day Awards


Do you know someone who has made an extraordinary contribution to our community or did you attend or help organise a magnificent community event?

The winners of the 2016 Golden Plains Australia Day Awards are:

Citizen of the Year for 2016: David Bruce
David received this award in recognition of his years of service to the Teesdale community.

David is a Teesdale resident, a longstanding Community Coordinator and a member of the Turtle Bend Events Committee, the Community Hall Committee and the Teesdale Grassy Woodlands Committee.

David’s nomination said he is not afraid to challenge ideas or single-handedly fight for projects that will make a difference for Teesdale.

David makes a terrific contribution to Teesdale and you set an extraordinary example for Golden Plains.

Senior Citizen of the Year for 2016: Jill Wheeler
Jill is a part-time resident of Golden Plains and one of the Shire’s most dedicated community members when it comes to preserving local history.

Jill has been the President of the Linton and District Historical Society since 2010, which involves lots of ongoing volunteer hours, and recently published her book called ‘Linton Makes History – an Australian goldfields town and its past’.

She hunts down funding, drives projects with enthusiasm and commitment and throws herself wholeheartedly into any opportunity where Linton’s history can be shared, built on or kept alive.

Young Citizen of the Year for 2016: Matthew Kinnia

At age 17, Matthew is already a true role model.

As well as the countless volunteer hours he has put towards over 15 community events, Matthew stands out for his initiative, leadership and the enthusiasm he applies to everything he does.

He’s not afraid to speak up about what he believes in – Matthew spoke at the Municipal Association of Victoria about the importance of supporting young entrepreneurs, and spoke at Parliament House about youth enterprise to members of the Federal Government.

Community Event of the Year 2016: Live @ Turtle Bend 2015
Live @ Turtle Bend is in its sixth year and continues to be a fantastic outdoor music event; showcasing local and regional talent and attracting big crowds from Teesdale and beyond.

As a spectator, you may be surprised that this major local event is entirely run by a small group of Teesdale residents – and yet it is.  The time, effort and energy that go into pulling this event off is nothing short of outstanding.

The 2015 Live @ Turtle Bend required an even higher level of planning, as it was combined with the Golden Plains Shire Battle of the Bands competition – and it was yet another major success for Teesdale and Golden Plains.