Agriculture Victoria - Avian Influenza Update

Bird Flu

A fourth Victorian poultry farm near Meredith has tested positive to avian influenza.

Tests have confirmed the high pathogenicity H7N3 strain at this property.

This detection is not unexpected and is the result of comprehensive and ongoing surveillance activities within the Restricted and Control Areas.

Movement controls remain in place for the Restricted and Control Areas near Meredith and Terang.

All bird owners are urged to report any unexplained bird deaths to the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.

For more information, including the expanded Control and Restricted Areas and to apply for a movement permit, visit

Movement Controls

Movement controls are now in place to prevent any spread of avian influenza.

This includes:

  • A Restricted Area that covers the impacted Meredith and Lethbridge properties and a broader Control Area buffer zone, which is bound by Bacchus Marsh Road in the east and the Colac–Ballarat Road on the western Aoundary are in place.
  • a Restricted Area covering a 5 km radius around the Terang farm with a broader Control Area buffer zone covering a 15 km radius
  • A housing requirement for all birds within these areas.
  • The movement controls require permits for the movement of birds, poultry products, feed and equipment on or off the properties in these areas. Penalties apply for those who do not follow these restrictions.

Examples of products that can't be moved without a permit include eggs, poultry feed, drinking water and bedding.

Please call Agriculture Victoria on 1800 675 888 if you require a permit or you have sick or deceased poultry.

For the latest updates from Agriculture Victoria, click here.

Avian Flu map 5 June
A website has been established by Agriculture Victoria which includes key information on the current situation. The website includes information about ‘movement controls’ and includes maps.

Agriculture Victoria website

Avian influenza | Poultry diseases | Animal diseases | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria

This website includes information for backyard poultry owners.

Links to further information:

Farm Biosecurity Practices

Media release

Department of Health advisory update: