August 2018 Council meeting highlights


Here is a summary of Council meeting highlights from our 28 August meeting in Linton.

Planning application P18-017

This application proposed a change of use from a broiler farm to intensive animal husbandry (free range egg production) at 559 English Road, Lethbridge. The report recommended approval subject to conditions and although there was a neighbouring owner objecting, Council supported the application. The neighbour now has the opportunity to appeal to VCAT.

Planning application P18-006

This application related to the development of land of a four-lot subdivision at 26 Stevenson Road, Bannockburn – it was proposed to subdivide a larger lot into four smaller 1ha lots.  Officers recommended approval and again, although some of the residents opposed the creating of four smaller lots, Council supported the application. These residents may appeal to VCAT. 

Arts and Culture Strategy 2018-2022

Having had the current strategy in place for a number of years, a new strategy has been developed with the input of artists and creatives from across the Shire. It is now time for the community to review the strategy and provide feedback. Council is committed to supporting the creative people of Golden Plains, and giving residents opportunities to engage in the arts scene and enjoy the artist talents of local artists – the draft Strategy will be open for review and feedback soon (stay tuned for more information).

Panel of Suppliers for Road Signs (GPS-RFT19/2018) – Awarding of Contract

This report informs Council of the recent procurement process for the establishment of a panel of providers for the supply and delivery of road signs, resulting in three companies being placed on the preferred suppliers list – Roadside Services and Solutions, Artcraft and De Neefe.

Review of Policy of 5.3 – Recognition of citizens who take part in State Level or Above Competition

As part of the ongoing review of our policies, Council tabled the policy relating to recognition of local citizens who achieve State team selection or above and/or any citizen who wins at State level or above. Council fully supported the continuation of this policy and is considering a new recognition program for ‘Local Heroes’ (stay tuned for more information).

Instrument of Delegation from Council to members of Council Staff

As Council does regularly when either legislation changes or we have new staff appointed, Council approved updates to the delegations from Council to Council Staff; this time relating to recent changes to the Heritage Act and the Planning and Environment Act.

Councillor Expenses Report - 12 months ended 30 June 2018

This report provided a record of expenditure made on behalf of Councillors in the performance of their duties over the 2017/18 financial year.

Towards the end of the meeting, the Councillors highlighted the various things that they had done or attended over the last month.

The full minutes will be available here before the end of the week.

Pictured: a gorgeous happy snap of the Linton streetscape