Bannockburn Heart-starter—works kick off

Roads & Transport

Pre-construction works for the Bannockburn Heart are set to begin in early April. This is a major Golden Plains Shire project, set to deliver extensive benefits to Bannockburn and surrounds—and to visitors from near and far.

April works will include construction of a new parking area (on vacant land) as well as fire services infrastructure (see map below). Council will continue to consult with precinct user groups to help minimise disruption during this time.

Major works for stage one of the Bannockburn Heart are not expected to start until mid-2018. Over the next year, detailed architectural designs will be drawn up, using the precinct vision, which was developed with extensive community consultation in 2013.

View the 'vision' video 

What can residents expect to see in stage one?

  • A revitalised home for the Golden Plains Farmers’ Market
  • A play space including water play
  • Incorporation of history, art and culture throughout the precinct
  • BBQ facilities and shade
  • Storage for the Scouts
  • Improved lighting, safety and accessibility
  • Public toilets and seating areas
  • Fitness equipment
  • Garden beds and planter boxes
  • A paved plaza and pop-up food cart area for functions, events and gatherings

Council is proud to deliver this $2.6M landmark project for the community, with substantial external funding from the Federal Government ($1.2M) and State Government to help provide Bannockburn with a true civic heart. Stage one of the project is expected to be completed in 2019.

We’re planning these works carefully to make sure Bannockburn Heart is a community asset for decades to come, and we’ll continue to work with our local community user groups to help achieve this vision.

Indicative timeline

April—May 2017

New car park and fire services infrastructure - please note that the service road at the front of Bannockburn Primary and Sorelle’s Cafe will be closed between Monday 3 and Friday 7 April (during school holidays) to allow for these works.

October 2017 – June 2018

Detailed design of stage one

Mid-2018 – December 2019

Construction of stage one

Map of April/May construction areas

Heart works.jpg

These works will not affect access to the Bannockburn Library, but there will be some disruption to pedestrian and vehicle access to the Bannockburn Cultural Centre.

More information

Contact Council on 5220 7111 and ask to speak with David Miocic, Community Projects Team Leader.

You can stay updated on the project on the Bannockburn Heart project page.

Learn about other projects happening around Golden Plains:

Roads and footpaths update - March 2017

Works update - March 2017