Roads & Transport

As you may be aware, the Bannockburn Heart is a visionary project that will create an open civic space in the centre of Bannockburn, across two stages.

Stage one of the Bannockburn Heart will include water play splash pad and adventure play equipment, an upgraded site for the Golden Plains Farmers’ Market, BBQ facilities and shade, public toilets and seating areas, a new car park, fitness equipment and lots more!

Project status

Initial works have commenced, including car park and drainage works and the installation of new fire services infrastructure. Later this year, the Playgroup building and Scouts shed currently on the site, will be relocated to their permanent home within the precinct, and the water tanks and pumps will be removed (we’re currently investigating options for removal).

What’s next

Following the completion of preliminary works, activity will cease on the site while the project enters the detailed design phase for stage one.

A masterplan for the first stage of the project will be made available to the community before major construction commences. This will show what elements are going where so that residents can better visualise this exciting project.

It is anticipated major construction will commence in mid-2018 and that the project will be completed in December 2019.

Learn more

We have put together a Q&A flyer to address key community questions. Please read through it and feel free to get in touch with Council if you have further queries.

Bannockburn Heart flyer

David Greaves, Works Manager, is the project lead for Bannockburn Heart. You can contact him on 5220 7111, [email protected] or via our online portal.

Stay updated about the project on the Bannockburn Heart web page.