Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade Officially Open

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble and Cristine Couzens MP at the upgraded Bannockburn Skate Park
Community Safety
Media Release

The Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade was officially opened at a community celebration today.

Member for Geelong Christine Couzens MP was joined by Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble to officially open the Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade at 3 Moore Street.

The project delivered an upgrade to address public safety and security issues at the site and wider precinct. New skate elements include quarter pipes, ramps, boxes and rails, as well as a new shade shelter, drinking fountain, bike racks, lockers, lighting, safety signage, seating and electrical works. Repairs to the existing concrete slab and landscaping works have also been completed.

The $449,900 upgrade was a partnership project, funded by a $250,000 Community Safety Infrastructure grant from the Victorian Government’s Community Crime Prevention Program, and $199,900 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

Quotes attributable to Christine Couzens MP, Member for Geelong

It is great that young people who use this facility have been able to have input into the upgraded skate park.

This upgrade provides a safer, first-rate recreation facility the local community of Bannockburn deserve.

Quotes attributable to Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble

The upgraded Bannockburn Skate Park is an impressive recreation facility for young people in our Shire and this project has improved the skate options at the park as well as delivered on community safety initiatives in the growing town of Bannockburn.

Council thanks the local young people who were actively involved with the project’s technical and creative design process through consultation last year, as well as the Victorian and Australian Governments for funding the Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade.

Next on the plans for this popular community facility, Council is seeking funding in the lead up to the Federal and State elections this year to build a skate bowl at the park, as well as a new BMX/pump track to complete the precinct.