Batesford Community Plan Launched

Batesford Community Plan launch

The Batesford Community Plan 2023 - 2027 (the Plan) was launched in conjunction with the National Tree Day event at Moorabool River Reserve in Batesford.

Community Planning empowers local residents to create a shared vision for their local community and build on the connection between communities and local government. Batesford Community Coordinators developed their plan through this program, with support from mentors Non Profit Training (NPT). They utilised the talents and connections of interested locals through an extensive engagement process.

The Plan's priority projects include:

  • Establishing pathways and connectivity to the township and other river walks.
  • The preservation of cultural heritage and conservation activities.
  • A playground in the Riverstone estate
  • And the development of sport and recreational areas.

The focus now turns to delivering on priority projects identified in the plan through continued advocacy and activities over the coming years.

Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham attended the launch and spoke about the importance of Community Planning and the program's positive outcomes.

You can read the Plan and learn more about the Community Planning process by clicking here.