Best Value Review of Bannockburn Children’s Service

Media Release

Following the Best Value Review, Council will move forward to undertake consultation that explores future management options of the long day care service at Bannockburn Children’s Service (BCS).

Under the Local Government Act 1989 and Council’s enterprise agreement, Council is required to implement ‘Best Value Principles’ when delivering its services. During the consultation process, Council will continue to maintain and deliver a quality long day care service at the Bannockburn Children’s Service.

With other childcare providers delivering quality services in Bannockburn, Council requested a Best Value Review and is now considering if it will continue to serve as management of the service. The Review supported the notion that an external childcare provider is well placed to deliver a quality service to local families. It is with this understanding that Council moves forward to explore an alternative management option.

Council will now commence a consultation process with BCS staff and client families from 9 October 2019 to 6 November 2019, on exploring the future transfer of management from Council to an external childcare provider, in accordance with Golden Plains Shire Council Enterprise Agreement No.8 (EA) Clause 7.11 Introduction of change.

All client families and interested community members are welcome to have their say on the future management of the service via a written submission mailed to Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC 3331; or emailed to [email protected].

The Best Value Review of the delivery of the long day care service at BCS reported on the current service delivery model, quality and costs standards, and an analysis of market conditions. Council acknowledges that the BCS staff work hard to deliver a quality child care service to local families and Council is committed to supporting staff and service families through the consultation process.

From the Best Value Review Summary Report, BCS commenced operation as a childcare service in 2014, following the extension of the Bannockburn Families Services Centre. At this time, BSC offered the only long day care service in Bannockburn until a new private childcare centre opened in 2017, followed by another new centre in 2019. The summary report of the Best Value Review is available at the link at the end of this article; and paper copies are available on request at Council’s Customer Service Centres in Bannockburn, Linton and Smythesdale.

As part of the Best Value Review, Council conducted an external Expression of Interest (EOI) process to determine if there were other providers (commercial or not-for-profit) with an interest and capability to deliver the long day care service at BCS at a better standard or level of service. While the EOI process is confidential, the results informed a better understanding of the current and future delivery of the long day care services\.

Feedback from BCS staff, client families and community members gathered during the consultation period will be presented to Council, who will make a decision on the future management of BCS at its Ordinary Meeting on 26 November 2019. In the event that Council proceeds to seek an alternate service provider through a competitive tendering process, the transfer of management is unlikely to occur prior to 1 July 2020.

View the Best Value Review Summary Report