Bushfire Scenario Workshops Continue

Red Flag Leadership image
Community Safety

Golden Plains Shire Council in partnership with Red Flag Leadership and Safer Together Victoria is hosting a further two free community workshops in Linton and Dereel to assist residents with what to do in a bushfire scenario.

Facilitated by Jamie Mackenzie from Red Flag Leadership, the workshops will explore the realities faced in an emergency or disaster and how those challenges may be tackled. Jamie will break down emergency requirements and speak about developing the skills necessary for residents to look after each other and visitors in the town. 

The workshops will be held on:

  • Sunday 4 August from 10am to 12pm at the Linton Community Hub, 68 Sussex Street, Linton.
  • Sunday 8 September from 10am to 12pm at the Dereel Community Hall, 14 Swamp Road, Dereel.

Participants will learn more about the importance of recovery leadership and the challenges of making decisions under stress, as well as gain tips on how to manage stress and uncertainty in an emergency.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham encourages community members to attend the workshops. 

I’d like to thank Jamie from Red Flag Leadership for returning to facilitate these workshops which will help keep our community safe. These workshops are a fantastic opportunity for residents living in the northern parts of our Shire that may be more prone to bushfire event scenarios,” Cr Cunningham said. 

Participants will gain a realistic understanding of what may take place during an emergency event and work together to develop a community response. This is essential in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all residents and visitors in these towns.

To register for the workshops, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events or email [email protected]. Light refreshments will be provided. 

For further information, contact Council’s Bushfire Resilience Officer at [email protected] or call 5220 7111.