Children’s Week 2023 in Golden Plains Shire

Childrens Week 2023
Child & Family Services

Golden Plains Shire Council invited local schools, early years services, kindergartens, playgroups and Family Day Care programs to complete a survey as part of Children’s Week 2023 celebrations.

The goal of the Children’s Week survey was to celebrate children’s voices from across the Shire and acknowledge the important role children play within our local communities. Responses were collected from 34 groups with 18 groups from school-aged children aged 6 to 9, and 16 groups representing the 0 to 5 age group. All survey participants received an exciting resource bundle to thank them for their responses.

Children's Week is a national annual event, and the 2023 celebrations took place between 21 October and 29 October. Events included mindful movement sessions and other locally run celebrations which were enjoyed by many families across Golden Plains Shire.

Children’s Week focuses on the rights, talents, skills and achievements of children. The theme this year was: “Children have the right to relax, play and take part in activities they enjoy” based on Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Learn more by clicking here.

Children’s Week celebrations in Golden Plains Shire were delivered in partnership with the Victorian Government.