Coffee with your Councillors returns


As part of its Councillor engagement program for 2021, Golden Plains residents are invited to enjoy Coffee with your Councillors at nine locations across the Shire on Saturday 8 May. 

At the first Coffee with your Councillors day on 20 February, almost 100 residents met directly with Crs Sharkey and Gamble in Haddon, Ross Creek and Linton, Crs Kirby and Cunningham in Napoleons, Cape Clear and Meredith; and Crs Rowe and Whitfield in Lethbridge, Teesdale and Inverleigh.

On Saturday 8 May, the next Coffee with your Councillors day will visit the following locations:

9 to 10.30am:

11am to 12.30pm:

1.30 to 3pm:

The Coffee with your Councillor day coincides with the feedback period for the Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 and the Draft Council Budget 2021-2022. Residents are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts on these important documents.