Community Planning Program - Expressions of Interest

Community Planning 23

Council is excited to announce the next round of towns which will participate in the Community Planning Program.

Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from Enfield, Smythesdale, Barunah Park, Ross Creek/Smythes Creek and Napoleons residents and community groups to participate in the Community Planning program.

The Community Planning program provides towns in Golden Plains Shire a framework to identify and prioritise projects for their local community and include these projects in a four-year plan. Community Plans help to build visibility for grant funding opportunities.

Through a series of surveys, interviews and public meetings, Community Coordinators will actively engage with local residents to gather valuable insights and preferences. This will help define priority projects for the Community Plan which enables coordinators and volunteers to implement projects such as minor upgrades to local infrastructure, advocacy projects and support for community groups.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Sarah Hayden said Community Planning was a fantastic way for people to come together and help create a brighter future for their town.

“This program is a great opportunity for community members to strengthen their own communities and build resilience for the prosperity of their town,” Cr Hayden said.

“Council is on the look-out for local community-minded residents and groups to get involved and help shape the future of their local town.”

If you are interested in joining your local Community Planning Program, contact Council’s Community Partnership Officer via email at or call 5220 7111.