Council Awards $4 million of Tenders

Tenders V4
Council Meetings

Golden Plains Shire Council has awarded nearly $4 million of tenders at its 25 July Council meeting.

The tenders included:
•    Kopkes Road, Haddon Road Improvements to Begbies Contracting for $932K
•    Cape Clear-Rokewood Road, Rokewood Junction Road Improvements to Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd for $450K
•    Linton-Piggoreet Road, Piggoreet - Bridge Replacement to Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd for the sum of $1.2m
•    Linton Oval Reconstruction to Global Turf Projects Ltd for the cost of $1.2m
•    Panel of Suppliers - Plumbing Maintenance Services to Plumbing-Logistics Pty Ltd, Complete-plumbing Construction Concepts Pty Ltd and Total-Plumbing-Solutions
•    Panel of Suppliers - General Maintenance Services to Burkhan Pty Ltd T/AS Dolls Cleaning Services, Mr T At Work and Zantagra Group.

The awarding of these tenders progresses significant road improvement projects which supports Council's commitment to maintaining Golden Plains Shire's extensive road network. The tenders also support maintenance activities for Council buildings and facilities.

To learn more about the tender process in Golden Plains Shire visit