Council Meeting Summary: 23 November 2021


A monthly Council Meeting was held last night, Tuesday 23 November, at the Golden Plains Civic Centre with all Councillors in attendance. The meeting was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.

Public Question Time

Following the Acknowledgement of Country, there were two questions submitted for Public Question Time, regarding 7.4 Adoption of Local Law No. 1 General Public Amenity (2021) and as such, answers were provided during consideration of item 7.4.


The Delegates Report followed, with Councillors providing updates on a range of meetings and engagements over the past month.

Community strengthening grants – round 2 2021

Council resolved to note and acknowledge the approved Community Strengthening Grants Round 2 2021 allocating $74,991 to 16 community groups across the Shire, in the categories of Healthy Active Living, Environment and Sustainability, and Creative Communities. Councillors acknowledged the successful recipients and their awarded projects at the Council meeting.

Adoption of the arts, culture and heritage strategy 2022-2026

The Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 was developed in consultation with the Golden Plains community, reflecting the Shire’s cultural aspirations and detailing four clear strategic directions, each with a list of key actions. The Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022-2026 was exhibited in September and October 2021 with no public submissions received, and the final Strategy was adopted by Council.

adoption of local law no.1 general public amenity (2021)

The Local Law No. 1 General Public Amenity was drafted by Council to replace Local Law No. 2 General Public Amenity, a process that commenced in June 2020, including public exhibition. Council noted that 687 submissions were received following public exhibition and 10 submitters elected to make a verbal submission at a meeting of Council in October 2021. Council resolved to revoke the current Local Law No. 2 General Public Amenity (2017) and adopt Local Law No. 1 General Public Amenity, which came into effect 23 November 2021.

golden plains shire council rating strategy for community consultation

In accordance with Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council adopted a four-year Revenue and Rating Plan in June 2021. A part of a review of different rating options, Council developed the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper detailing two options for community consultation.

An amendment to the motion was proposed with two additional consultation opportunities hosted by Councillors. This was followed by an amendment to the amendment, adding four more consultation opportunities across the Shire.

Council resolved to endorse the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper for community consultation including five in-person and one online engagement sessions, hear any submissions at the 21 December Council Meeting, and consider the Rating Strategy for adoption at the February 2022 Council Meeting.

council plan 2021-2025 implementation – quarter one

Council noted the report and achievement of the actions contained in the Council Plan 2021-2025 for the first quarter from 1 July to 30 September 2021. This marks the first quarterly report of the Council Plan 2021-2025.

vago audit – sexual harassment in local government

In February 2021, the Audit and Risk Committee and Council were presented with the findings of the Audit report conducted by the Victorian Audit Generals Office (VAGO) on Sexual Harassment in Local Government. An action plan has been developed by Council to incorporate these recommendations and also the requirements of the Gender Equality Act 2020. Council noted the update on the implementation of the action plan for the recommendations made in the VAGO Report into Sexual Harassment in Local Government.

local government performance reporting indicators – end of year report

Council is required under the Local Government Act 2020 and Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2020 to report on its performance in accordance with the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF). Council received the end of year report on the Local Government Performance Reporting Indicators for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

audit & risk committee report – 9 november 2021

The report provided a summary of business considered at the 9 November 2021 meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee and Council resolved to note the unconfirmed minutes from the meeting.

review of council expenses and entitlements policy

The Council Expenses and Entitlements Policy was last reviewed and adopted by Council at its meeting on 28 July 2020 to comply with the new Local Government Act 2020. Following a review to identify opportunities for improvement and clarification in the document, Council adopted the updated Council Expenses and Entitlements Policy.

urgent business

There were no notices of motion and no petitions for decision on the Council Agenda. Council considered an item of urgent business: Inverleigh Sporting Complex – Wastewater Treatment System. Council resolved to consider the item as urgent business and a confidential report.

confidential report

Council considered a Confidential Report for Decision: Response to Commonwealth Aged Care Reform. Council also considered the item as detailed above: Inverleigh Sporting Complex – Wastewater Treatment System.

The next meeting of Council is Tuesday 21 December, at a location to be confirmed. All Council Meeting are available by livestream on Council’s YouTube page.


Watch the recording of the 23 November 2021 Meeting of Council.