Council Meeting Summary: 29 June 2021


The regular monthly Council Meeting was held at the Golden Plains Civic Centre in Bannockburn last night, Tuesday 29 June, with all Councillors in attendance. The meeting was open to members of the public and was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.


Following the Acknowledgement of Country, there were no questions for Question Time. The Delegates Report then followed, with Councillors providing updates on a range of meetings and engagements over the past month.

Community Strengthening Grants – Round 1, 2021

Council acknowledged the recipients of the first round of this year’s Community Strengthening Grants Program:

Community Safety

  • Linton and District Progress Association – Linton Community Safety Plan Connecting Community and Leaders: $6,000
  • Smythesdale Progress Association – Shower Ventilation Project: $800

Creative Communities

  • Smythesdale Community Coordinators – Music at the Market: $2,300
  • Meredith History Interest Group – Connecting the Past while looking to the Future: $3,800
  • Smythesdale Arts & Music Community Fiesta – Event Support for the Smythesdale Arts & Music Community Fiesta: $5,795

Healthy and Active Living

  • Bannockburn Inclusive – Bus and Ferry trip to Sorrento for people with disabilities and the elderly: $1,600
  • Golden Plains Trail Riders – Safety Items: $640
  • Linton and District Progress Association – Community Seating and Gardening Group Equipment: $7,024
  • Lethbridge Public Hall – Replacement of Ovens: $2,042
  • Inverleigh Cemetery Trust – Seating for Rest and Reflection: $2,930

Environment and Sustainability

  • Inverleigh Progress Association - Open Space Mower Replacement: $10,000
  • Inverleigh Primary School Gardening Group – Raised Beds for Edible Garden Project: $1,600

Recipients were invited to tune into the livestream to hear Councillors read out a statement on each of the successful projects.

P20087 Crown Allotment 37E Piggoreet Road, Piggoreet

Council considered a planning permit application for the use and development of a dwelling and associated native vegetation removal at Crown Allotment 37E Piggoreet Road, Piggoreet. Following a presentation on the behalf of the applicant, Council supported the recommendation to refuse the permit for the following reasons:

  1. The proposal is contrary to the Municipal Planning Strategy in particular Clauses 02.02, 02.03-1, 02.03-4 & 02.03-6 and Council’s Rural Land Use Strategy which all seek to protect agricultural land, by discouraging use and development that is inconsistent with agricultural activities and by containing residential development within existing town boundaries.
  2. The proposal is inconsistent with the policies contained in the Planning Policy Framework (Clauses 11.03-3S, 12.05-2R, 14.01-1S & 16.01-3S) which aim to protect productive agricultural land and minimise or avoid property servicing costs carried by local and State governments by directing housing to existing settlements and discouraging the development of small lots in rural areas for dwellings.
  3. The proposal does not satisfy the provisions of the Farming Zone, because the dwelling is not reasonably required for the proposed use of the land and the proposal has the potential to lead to a proliferation of dwellings in the area, affect the operation of nearby agricultural uses and result in the loss of productive agricultural land.

Cr Ian Getsom declared a conflict of interest and was not present for this report, returning afterwards.

Adoption of Golden Plains Shire Council Plan 2021-2025

The Council Plan 2021-2025 (the Plan) details the priority initiatives and actions for Council services, infrastructure and advocacy to be provided to the Golden Plains Shire community over the next four years.

The Plan directly addresses and aligns with the themes of the Golden Plains Community Vision 2040: Community, Liveability, Sustainability and Prosperity; with the additional theme of Leadership added to represent the Council-specific regulatory, governance, leadership and advocacy activities required to achieve outcomes for the community. With the overarching direction of the Vision, the Plan details Council’s commitment over the next four years to support the achievement of the community’s 20-year aspirational plan for Golden Plains.

Council noted the verbal and written submissions received and considered at 8 June 2021 Council Meeting, and adopted the Council Plan 2021-2025 in accordance with Section 90 of the Local Government Act 2020.

Adoption of Golden Plains Shire Council Budget 2021-2022

Council’s Budget 2021-2022 details the financial plan for the next year with Council continuing its commitment of operating more than 70 services for the community and maintaining its assets and infrastructure under the rate cap of 1.5 percent. Public submissions were invited on the Draft Budget 2021-22 in April and May, and Council received a total of 14 submissions. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday 8 June 2021 to hear from five submitters who requested to address Council in support of their submission.

A number of amendments were made to the Draft Budget following this process:

  • Confirmed grant funding of $2.6 million included for local roads and infrastructure capital projects and $2.6 million additional capital projects
  • Additional $269,000 Financial Assistance Grant allocated for the general purpose grants
  • Additional $10,000 for additional flagpoles
  • Increase in memberships of $19,000
  • Increase in subscriptions of $28,000 for software licenses reclassified as operating costs
  • Road Blackspot grant funding confirmed at $873,000
  • Confirmed grant funding of $2.0 million and development contribution of $1.1 million for Bannockburn Industrial Estate with equivalent expenditure to complete the works
  • Increase of $30,000 for Leighdale Equestrian Upgrade capital project
  • Removal of $30,000 for replacement of foyer flooring in Bannockburn Family Services Centre
  • Rate calculations updated with Stage 4 valuation data

At the meeting, an alternate motion was agreed to, that Council:

  1. Note the verbal and written submissions received and considered at 8 June 2021 Special Council Meeting.
  2. Note the declaration of rates included in the 2021-22 Budget.
  3. Approve $50,000 to continue the COVID-19 financial hardship policy into 2021-22 and an additional $50,000 to deliver a COVID-19 recovery program.
  4. Resolve to adopt the 2021-22 Budget for the purpose of Section 96 of the Local Government Act 2020, subject to the following change being that the 2021/22 Waste Charge be reduced by $6 by removing the costs associated with roadside stockpile reduction program and that a report be presented to Council once the end of 2020/21 year accounts are finalised and that consideration be made to using any surplus generated from the waste management account to fund the roadside stockpile program in 2021/22 up to $60,000.
  5. Calls for a Waste Management Activity Report be presented to a Councillor briefing to consider the future services, related costs and the required revenue to deliver waste management activities, including legislative changes to provide a Food and Organics and Glass collection service.
  6. Commit to a review of the rating strategy prior to the adoption of the 2022-23 Council Budget.
  7. Adopt the 2021-22 to 2024-25 Revenue and Rating Plan for the purpose of Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2020.

Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 – Report Findings

Every year, Local Government Victoria (LGV) coordinates the state-wide Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey. The Survey was conducted in early 2021 via telephone interviews with 400 Golden Plains Shire residents with the results and survey reports provided to Council. The main objectives of the survey are to assess the performance and services of Victorian councils across a range of measures and to seek insight on ways to provide improved or more efficient service delivery, as well as fulfilling the statutory reporting requirements of councils.

Council received and noted the 2021 Community Satisfaction Survey reports for Golden Plains Shire Council.

VAGO Report On Local Roads

In March 2021, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) released the report ‘Maintaining Local Roads’. In addition to this report, VAGO also compared each Councils’ own road maintenance costs to other Victorian Councils.

Council noted the Roads Data Summary for Golden Plains Shire Report and the Maintaining Local Roads Report prepared by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office.

2021 Enforcement Policy – Adoption

Council’s Enforcement Policy provides a framework upon which Council officers will base their enforcement decisions and actions in line with applicable laws and acts enforced by Council. It will provide a consistent approach in the use of community awareness, education and enforcement actions by officers to achieve compliance outcomes. Council adopted the 2021 Enforcement Policy.

Annual Adoption of Procurement Policy

The Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to prepare and approve a Procurement Policy and review the Procurement Policy at least once during its four-year term and amend it as necessary. The annual review of the Procurement Policy incorporated the new requirements from the Local Government Act 2020 and amendments to bring it inline with other regional council policies and practices.

At the meeting, Council:

  1. Noted its obligations under section 108(5) of the Local Government Act 2020 to review the current Procurement Policy at least once in every four financial years and where necessary amend it.
  2. Adopted the Procurement Policy noting amendments were made in accordance with new requirements in the Local Government Act 2020 and to align with other regional council policies and practices.
  3. Resolved to make copies of the policy available to the public in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

Mayoral and Councillor Allowances

At its 27 April Council Meeting, Council endorsed an increase to the Mayoral and Councillor allowances to reflect the increasing population that the Mayor and Councillors now represent and serve. The proposed allowances, which are also subject to an additional amount to cover the superannuation guarantee:

  • Mayoral allowance: $65,998.54
  • Councillor allowances: $23,048.02

Both these figures are lower than the maximum allowed by Golden Plains Shire Council’s Category as determined by the Victorian Government. At the same meeting, Council also resolved to invite public submissions on the remuneration levels for Mayoral and Councillor allowances between 27 April and 25 May. As a result of the public consultation period a total of five submissions were lodged using the online submission form and an opportunity to hear submissions was provided on 8 June 2021, however no submitters requested to be heard.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Council supported an alternate motion, that Council:

  1. Receive and note the submissions provided during the public consultation period; and
  2. Adopt the Mayoral allowance of $63,798.55 and Councillor allowances of $22,000.14 (Allowances are also subject to the additional amount to cover the superannuation guarantee).

Awarding of Tender (RFT-07-2021) Golden Plains Youth Hub

Council sought a commercially registered builder to complete the construction of the Bannockburn Youth Hub. Council resolved to award the Golden Plains Youth Hub contract to Bowden Corporation for the sum of $393,189.60 (including provisional sum) exclusive of GST, and delegate to the CEO or his delegate authority to execute the contract on behalf of Council.

Cr Brett Cunningham declared a conflict of interest and was not present for this report, returning afterwards.

Awarding of Tender (RFT-03-2021) Bannockburn Soccer Female Friendly Changeroom

Council sought a commercially registered builder to complete the construction of the Bannockburn Soccer Female Friendly Changeroom. Council resolved to award the contract to Bowden Corporation for the sum of $878,398.62 exclusive of GST, comprising of $804,449.62 for the mandatory building component and $73,949.00 for two of the three tender options. Council also agreed to delegate to the CEO or his delegate authority to execute the contract on behalf of Council.

Awarding of Tender (RFT-01-2021) Meredith Shelford Road Widening Stage 3

Council sought a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to upgrade the next 2km section of Meredith-Shelford Road in Meredith. This is the continuation of the road upgrade, of which approximately 4km of the road has already been upgraded or is currently being upgraded. Council resolved to award the tender for Stage 3 to Berne Fleming Civil Pty Ltd for the sum of $785,357.12 (including provisional sum) exclusive of GST, and delegate to the CEO or his delegate authority to execute the contract on behalf of Council.


There were no Notices of Motion or petitions on the Council Agenda.

Council considered one Confidential Report: Regional Renewable Organics Network – Heads of Agreement.

The next meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 27 July, 2021, and available by livestream.

WATCH THE Mayor's Meeting Summary Video

Watch Mayor Cr Helena Kirby's summary video to find out what was discussed and decided at Golden Plains Shire Council's Meeting on 29 June 2021.


Watch the recording of the 29 June 2021 Meeting of Council.