Council Meeting Summary: August 2019


The August Ordinary Meeting of Council was held at Linton Customer Service Centre on Tuesday 27 August with all Councillors in attendance.

There were a handful of community members in the gallery to witness the jam-packed agenda. 

Public Question Time

Council received three sets of questions, with two questioners in attendance and able to verbally put their questions to Council. The remaining questioner will have received a written reply this morning.

Planning Application P19-047

Following an objection from a neighbouring resident, Council was required to determine planning application P19-047 for a two lot subdivision at 29 Stevenson Road, Bannockburn. Councillors supported the recommendation to approve, with a minor change requiring the owner to seal the common driveway.

Play Space Strategy 2019-2029

Council commissioned @Leisure Planners to develop a Play Space Strategy to inform the planning, delivery and maintenance of outdoor play infrastructure for the next ten years. The strategic recommendations within the Draft Strategy are important for ensuring Council’s future provision and maintenance align with the needs of the Golden Plains community, whilst also being realistic and achievable. The Draft Play Space Strategy has been developed following an industry review, infrastructure assessment, and community consultation. Council endorsed the Draft Strategy to go out for public exhibition from 28 September to 25 October. All community feedback will inform the final document that will be presented to Council for adoption.

Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement

Councillors then considered the proposal for Golden Plains Shire to join with 39 other Victorian Councils in a joint Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement. By joining this joint project, it is expected to lead to reduced electricity bills for Council and reduce Council’s environmental footprint. Councillors supported taking part in this proposal.

Name for new Inverleigh Community Play Space

As part of their Pick My Project grant, the Inverleigh community is seeking to formally name the new play space the Inverleigh River Park after initiating their own consultation. Councillors agreed to the new name, with Council to now go through the appropriate channels to formalise the new name.

Golden Lake Road Bridge Tender

Following Council’s successful applications to the Federal Government, Council advertised two tenders for the replacement of the Golden Lake Road Bridge in Piggoreet and Wall Bridge in Teesdale. The tender for Wall Bridge was awarded last month, but the tenders for Golden Lake Road Bridge came in well above Council’s budget. Councillors determined to not award a contract for the bridge replacement, return the Federal Government’s grant funding, and to redirect Council’s $300,000 budget to another budget. Council will now investigate the option of closing the road, with the support of the affected resident.

Coopers Bridge Tender

Following the advertised tender process for the replacement of Coopers Bridge in Meredith, Councillors determined to award a contract to Ace Infrastructure to complete what is the largest project in this year’s capital works program in the asset renewal space.

Asset Management Strategy and Plan

Council officers are currently reviewing Council’s asset management plans. The adoption of Asset Management Strategy and Plans is essential to providing a framework and guiding principles for the sustainable and effective lifecycle management of Council’s physical assets.

Draft Geelong Regional Library Infrastructure Plan

The Draft Geelong Regional Library Infrastructure Plan was presented Council for endorsement. For Golden Plains Shire there are no immediate significant improvements, although it does refer to future consideration for a potential library at the Well in Smythesdale. Council endorsed the plan for exhibition.

Tree Management Policy

An ongoing review of Council’s policies found that Council did not have a policy on the management of trees. Officers developed a new Tree Management Policy, which was adopted by Councillors.

Election Period (Caretaker) Policy

The Local Government Amendment (Improved Governance) Act 2015 requires Councils to review their Election Period policies no later than 12 months prior to each Council election period. Council reviewed the existing policy, and made changes to clarify and strengthen practices during the election period. The revised policy was provided for Councillors’ consideration, and was adopted.

Council Meetings (Question Time, Presentations & Submissions, Petitions & Joint Letters) Policy

Following its adoption by Council at its June 2019 meeting, minor changes were proposed to the Council Meetings (Question Time, Presentations & Submissions, Petitions & Joint Letters) Policy to further strengthen practices and provide clarity of the application, including limiting the use of a proxy to ask a public question on behalf of another person. The revised policy was provided for Councillors’ consideration, however, following discussion, Councillors decided not to proceed with these changes.

Implementation of the Council Plan Actions

Councillors were provided with the year-end results on Council’s progress with the implementation of the Golden Plains Shire Council Plan. The report contained both achievements made and those actions Council has not achieved for a number of reasons.

2018-19 Council Budget

Councillors also received an end of financial year report on how Council delivered the 2018-19 Budget. This included a summary of all projects not fully completed by 30 June 2019, and explanation of updated completion timeframes. Councillors decided to carry over this money into the current financial year so that Council can complete these projects.

Councillor Expenses

An end of year report on Councillor Expenses was presented to Councillors. Going forward, the usual quarterly report will include updates on Councillor Attendance at Ordinary and Special meetings of Council.