Council Meeting Summary: December 2019


The December and final Ordinary Meeting of Council for 2019 was held at the Linton Customer Service Centre last night, Tuesday 17 December, with all Councillors in attendance. While the agenda was shorter than usual, it was great to see a number of residents in attendance.

Public Question Time

Following a few standard procedural items, the meeting moved in to Public Question Time. A total of 16 questions were received by the 10am deadline, and included questions on weed eradication, the Bannockburn Children’s Centre, Golden Lake Road Bridge and a Surf Coast Shire planning permit for an intensive sheep farm.

Call It Out Campaign

Following Question Time, the final video as part of Council’s Respect Women: Call It Out campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence was played to Councillors and members in the Public Gallery. From 25 November to 10 December, Council shared videos and images of local identities encouraging the community to call out sexism, sexual harassment and disrespect towards women. You can watch the videos here.

Planning Application P19-014

Councillors then considered a planning permit for a three lot subdivision at 8 Merino Drive, Teesdale, which had been deferred from the November Ordinary Meeting of Council. The planning application was referred to Councillors for determination due to objections. After receiving verbal submissions from the applicant, a supporter and an objector (whose submission was read out by the Mayor), Council determined to support the recommendation to approve the planning application.

Play Space Strategy 2019-2029

The draft Play Space Strategy 2019-2029 returned to Council following public exhibition in August and September 2019. The draft strategy provides a framework for Council’s future management of play spaces, placing a focus on the provision of high-quality play spaces with increased play value, while recognising the limited resources of Council. Under the strategy, some townships have been identified for playspace upgrades, while the future of other playspaces will be considered. Having considered all the issues and community feedback, Council decided to adopt the strategy.

Road Renaming

Councillors then discussed the renaming of Teesdale Tip Road in Teesdale to Lightwood Road, following a request from a community member. Following communications with the resident over the past three months, Council agreed to progress the renaming, with the next step to advertise the proposed name as laid out by the Place Naming Act.

G21 Memorandum of Understanding

Council approved its ongoing commitment to the G21 – Geelong Region Alliance (including City of Greater Geelong, Borough of Queenscliffe, and Surf Coast, Colac Otways and Golden Plains Shires) by signing another four year Memorandum of Understanding. G21 is not the only regional alliance Golden Plains Shire is a member; Council is also part of the Central Highlands Councils Victoria group, which comprises City of Ballarat, and Pyrenees, Hepburn, Moorabool, Northern Grampians, Central Goldfields, Ararat and Golden Plains Shires.

Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012

Under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012, agencies such as Golden Plains Shire Council that receive public interest disclosures and complaints must adopt and maintain policies and procedures relating to the handling and management of these disclosures and complaints. While Council’s current Protected Disclosures Policy was last reviewed in August 2017 and not due for review until 2021, legislated changes under the Act are due to commence on 1 January 2020, and Council had initiated an early review of the policy. A new policy with some changes was adopted by Councillors.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy

Councillors then turned their attention to another internal policy. Having been discussed at the November Ordinary Council Meeting, the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy was presented back to Councillors, with a number of changes to reflect the previous meeting’s discussion. The revised policy was adopted by Council.

Line Marking Services

Finally, as part of Council’s efforts to ensure compliance with legislation on awarding contracts to supplies, Councillors discussed tendering for line marking services. Council agreed that a list of providers are to be placed on an approved panel, including Southern Highway Services, Summerhill Maintenance Services, and Smith and Will Asphalting.

Thank you to all community members who attended the meeting. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will take place on Tuesday 25 February 2020 in Bannockburn.