Council Meeting Summary: December 2020


The December and final monthly Meeting of 2020 was held at the Golden Plains Civic Centre last night, Tuesday 15 December, with all Councillors in attendance. In line with guidelines from the Victorian Government due to COVID-19, the meeting was not physically open to members of the public, and was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.

Public Question Time

Council received six Public Questions, with all receiving a written response.

Meeting Record and Delegates Report

Councillors moved on to a number of reports for their consideration. The first were the Meeting Record of Councillor attendance and the Delegates Report, highlighting what the Councillors have been up to over the past month. Following this, the meeting moved on to a number of planning matters.

P20-106 36 Oxley Rise, Batesford

The first planning matter was for a proposed two-lot subdivision and covenant variation at 36 Oxley Rise, Batesford. The application was referred to the Council Meeting for determination due to Council receiving four objections. Following a presentation by the applicant requesting the matter be deferred, Council agreed to defer a discussion on the permit until its February Meeting.

P20-178 271 Glen Avon Road, Bannockburn

The second planning permit discussed was for a proposed two-lot subdivision and covenant variation at 271 Glen Avon Road, Bannockburn. The application was referred to the Council Meeting for determination due to Council receiving seven objections. Council agreed to grant a permit to allow the two-lot subdivision to go ahead.

P20-061 704 Teesdale-Inverleigh Road, Teesdale

The third planning permit for Councillor deliberation was a request to use the land for a function centre at 704 Teesdale-Inverleigh Road, Teesdale. The application was referred to the Council Meeting for determination due to one unresolved objection regarding noise. The working farm is currently home to a Bed and Breakfast, and the proponent has proposed to build a function centre, requiring a permit to use the land for a place of assembly (function centre). Following a presentation over Zoom by the applicant and discussion, Council agreed to grant a permit to allow the use of land for a function centre, subject to a number of conditions.

P20-116 1803 Steiglitz Road, Maude

The fourth planning application discussed was for a permit to construct a dwelling at 1803 Steiglitz Road, Maude. The application was referred to the Council Meeting for determination due to Council receiving six objections. Following a discussion, Council deferred a decision on the application until the January meeting.

P19-273 54 Native Hut Drive, Teesdale

Council then discussed an application for a proposed four-lot subdivision and creation of carriageway easements at 54 Native Hut Drive, Teesdale. The application was referred to the Council Meeting for determination due to Council receiving one objection. The applicant proposes to subdivide the existing land containing a dwelling into four lots, with an accessway connecting the back two lots to Native Hut Drive. An objector presented to Council, however Council agreed to grant a permit to allow the four-lot subdivision and creation of carriageway easements, subject to a number of conditions.

Amendment C91gpla – General Amendment

The final planning matter for the evening regarded a proposal for Council to prepare and exhibit an amendment to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme to correct a number of mapping and ordinance errors, anomalies and inefficiencies in the existing doucment. The Amendment proposes a total of 30 changes to the Planning Scheme Maps, as well as 13 changes to ordinance within the Planning Scheme. Council agreed to authorise the preparation and exhibition of the proposed planning scheme amendment.

Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040

Following the several planning-related reports, Council then considered the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040. All councils are required to adopt a Community Vision for at least the next 10 years by 31 October 2021. The Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 was developed in partnership with a dedicated Community Reference Group and informed by extensive community engagement undertaken throughout 2020.

The Draft Vision was presented to Council in August 2020, with the then-Council receiving it and recommending it be presented to the new Council for adoption following the Council Election. Since then, the Draft Vision went back out for additional public comment and received a further three written submissions, which were considered in the final Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040. Council adopted the Golden Plains Shire Council Community Vision 2040 and authorised the preparation of the Council Plan 2021-2025 based on the themes identified in the document.

Draft Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024

Council then considered the Draft Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024. The Draft Plan provides the framework to address active ageing, disability access and inclusion issues across all areas of Golden Plains Shire Council’s operations. Council endorsed the Draft Plan, which is now on public exhibition until 31 January 2021, and Council will hold four in-person consultations with an option for participants to Zoom in. You can read more about the Draft Plan here.

Property Management Framework 2020

Council developed a Property Management Framework to guide the managing, leasing, issuing licenses, acquiring, and disposing of property under its ownership, care and control. The framework will take into account Council’s statutory obligations and the desire to promote the wellbeing of all people in the community, through support of recreational and community groups and the provision of high quality and accessible facilities. Council agreed to adopt the Property Management Framework 2020.

Inverleigh Play Space Naming

Following the successful funding and construction of Inverleigh’s new play space through the Victorian Government’s Pick My Project initiative, the community requested to formally name the parcel of land containing it “Inverleigh River Park”, however, the Victorian Geographic Names Registrar rejected the proposed name and subsequent appeal. The Registrar recommended four new compliant names be put to the Inverleigh community to vote on. Council acknowledged the rejection of the original name, and endorsed the below names to be put to a public vote:

  • Leigh River Park;
  • Inverleigh Community Park;
  • Inverleigh Play Park; and
  • Yerram Yaluk Bun (translation: bank of the morning river).

You can read more about the Inverleigh Play Space Naming here.

Risk Management Framework

Council then considered the adoption of the Risk Management Framework. Following a review of Council’s existing framework and related documents, the updated was endorsed by Council’s Audit and Risk Committee at its 8 September 2020 meeting. Council agreed to adopt the Risk Management Framework, including the Risk Appetite Statements, Strategic and Organisational Risks and Ask Assessment Matrix.

Township Maintenance Policy

Council has had a Township Maintenance Policy since 1996, which requires regular review and updates. The policy sets out the extent of current township maintenance shows works that are on Council owned or managed land, and land which is not under Council’s direct management, but has been traditionally maintained by Council on behalf of the community. Council adopted the updated Township Maintenance Policy 2020.

COVID-19 Hardship Policy and Customer Assistance Progress

Councillors then received an update on Council’s COVID-19 financial and non-financial assistance and programs. This includes the COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy, which offers rebates to residents and ratepayers who have been negatively affected by the pandemic. To date, 84 applicants have signed-up to the program, accounting for $34,000 of the Policy’s $100,000 budget.

Environmental Health Registration Renewal Fees

Further to the existing COVID-19 financial and non-financial assistance, Council has additionally waived 2021 Environmental Health registration renewal fees for some businesses, including beauty therapy, tattoo and accommodation services, and provided food businesses with an opportunity to apply for a 50% discount. Council noted this update to the existing financial assistance program.

Audit & Risk Committee Report

Next, Council received and noted the minutes of the Audit & Risk Committee meeting held on 2 December 2020.

Local Government Performance Reporting Indicators – Final Report 19/20

As part of the Local Government Act 2020 and Local Government (Planning and Reporting Regulations 2020), Council is required to report on its performance against the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework, which is presented to Council on a six-monthly basis. Council received and noted the report.


Council then move on to award two tenders:

  • Geggies Road Bridge, Rokewood replacement contract was awarded to Begbies Contracting for the sum of $390,857.70.
  • Slate Quarry Road Bridge, Meredith replacement was awarded to Bitu-Mill (Civil) Pty Ltd for the sum of $1,843,070.75.

Council and the Federal Government are jointly funding these new bridge projects, as part of the Government’s Bridges Renewal Program.

Notice of Motion

Cr Sharkey tabled a Notice of Motion that Council consider the review of its Flag Policy at a future Council Meeting no later than March 2021, which will consider the inclusion of flags within the Chamber and out the front of Council offices. Council agreed to the Notice of Motion.


Council officially received and tabled a petition to prevent the building of the proposed arbour in Milton Street in Bannockburn. The petition with 11 signatures will be further considered at the January Meeting.

Confidential Report

Finally, Council considered a confidential report regarding the Golden Plains Shire Council Community Awards 2021.


The next meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 19 January, 2020 at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, available to view by the public by livestream.

Mayor's Video Update

Watch the video update from Mayor Cr Helena Kirby with highlights from the December 2020 Meeting of Council.

Watch the December 2020 Meeting of Council

Watch the recording of the December 2020 Meeting of Council.