Council Meeting Summary: December 2021

A monthly Council Meeting was held last night, Tuesday 21 December, at the Golden Plains Civic Centre in Bannockburn, with all Councillors in attendance. The meeting was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page and was open to in-person attendance.

Public Question Time and DELEGATES REPORT

Following the Acknowledgement of Country, there were no questions submitted for Public Question Time. The Delegates Report was first on the agenda, with Councillors providing updates on a range of meetings and engagements over the past month.

Rating Strategy Propositions Paper submissions

Council resolved to move Item 7.9 forward in the agenda in consideration of community submissions. As part of the consultation on the Rating Strategy, 45 submissions were received and Councillors held a series of Conversation Posts across the Shire. Council received and noted the public submissions relating to the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper and heard virtual and in-person presentations from seven community members who requested to address Council. The Rating Strategy Propositions Paper will be considered by Council in early 2022.

p21227 17 o’connor road, lethbridge (2 Lot subdivision)

Council considered an application to issue a Planning Permit for a two (2) lot subdivision at 17 O’Connor Road, Lethbridge, and resolved to approve the permit, subject to the conditions attached to the report. Cr Sharkey declared a conflict of interest on this item.

amendment c92gpla teesdale structure plan – Planning panel outcome

Council resolved to adopt Amendment C92gpla in accordance with Attachment 1 to the report; adopt the modified Teesdale Structure Plan in accordance with Attachment 2 to the report; and request the Minister for Planning approve Amendment C92gpla in accordance with Section 31 (1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.  

amendment cXX – Removal of planning permit triggers for outbuildings in ldrz and rlz

Council considered the recommendation to authorise the preparation and exhibition of an amendment to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme to remove the triggers requiring planning permits for outbuildings (sheds) larger than 120 square metres on land in the Rural Living Zone (RLZ) and the Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ).

Cr Sharkey moved an alternate motion with the recommendation and the additional points:

2. If no objections are received through the exhibition process, that Council:

a) Adopts the Amendment as exhibited which removes the triggers requiring planning permits for outbuildings (sheds) larger than 120 square metres on land in the Rural Living Zone (RLZ) and the Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ).
b) And requests the Minister for Planning to approve the Amendment in accordance with Section 31 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The alternate motion was supported by Council.

Planning Scheme Amendment C91gpla – General Amendment

Council considered and resolved to:

  1. Adopt Amendment C91gpla, which corrects a number of zoning and overlay anomalies, removes redundant overlays and schedules, rezones land for public authorities, improves the clarity/legibility of maps in the Planning Scheme, extends an expiry date for certain local policies, modifies zoning and overlay schedules.
  2. Requests the Minister for Planning to approve C91gpla in accordance with Section 31 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
  3. Authorise the removal of the site known as PC337580 Cemetery Road, Inverleigh from C91gpla prior to submitting the amendment for approval in accordance with recommendation 2, unless Vic Track can respond to the EPAs submission to C91gpla by 4 January, 2022 in a manner deemed satisfactory by the Manager Development and Regulatory Services.

Adoption of Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2025

Council noted the exhibition of the Draft Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2025 and with consideration of the public submissions, adopted the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2025. Council committed to provide the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions a copy of the Plan and write to submitters advising of Council’s decision.

Golden Plains Shire Rabbit Management Strategy 2021-2031 and Rabbit Management Plan 2021-2031

Council noted that the Draft Golden Plains Shire Rabbit Management Strategy 2021-2031 and Draft Rabbit Management Plan 2021-2031 were publicly exhibited with three submissions received. Council resolved to adopt the Golden Plains Shire Rabbit Management Strategy 2021-2031 and adopt the Golden Plains Shire Rabbit Management Plan 2021-2031.

Councillor Engagement 2022

Council considered the recommendation that Council acknowledge the success of the Councillor Engagement 2021 program and endorse the Councillor Engagement 2022 program as outlined within the report.

Cr Sharkey moved an alternate motion with the recommendation and the additional points:

  • Council writes to the community group of Batesford and the ratepaying group to inform them that Councillors will be happy to attend a conversation post organised by them.
  • Invite community groups to write and request Councillors attend a group meeting in 2022.

The alternate motion was supported by Council.

Council Meeting Date Update – June 2022

Council approved changing the June 2022 Council Meeting date from Tuesday 21 June, 2022 to Tuesday 28 June, 2022 to remain on the fourth Tuesday on the month.

NOTICE OF MOTION – provide a briefing day report on the requirements of an amalgamation of councils

Cr Owen Sharkey moved the following Notice of Motion: “That Council officers provide a briefing day report in the first quarter of 2022 on the process and legislative requirements involved in an amalgamation of Councils.”

Council did not approve the Notice of Motion.

NOTICE OF MOTION – council to conduct a survey in february/march to assess community views on australia day

Cr Gavin Gamble moved the following Notice of Motion: “That Council conduct a survey in February/March to assess community views on Australia Day, 26 January, and the role that Golden Plains Shire should have in supporting Australia Day if at all; recognising the Australia Day citizenship ceremony is a Federal Government requirement.

Questions asked to include, but not limited to:

  • Should Australia Day remain on 26 Jan or be moved to an alternative date?
  • Should Council Community Awards be awarded on 26 January?
  • Should Council fund and or support community events on this day?

A report on the survey results is be presented to Council for the 26 April 2022 council meeting.”

Cr Gamble withdrew the Notice of Motion, prior to consideration and no decision was made.

Confidential Reports

Council considered the following Confidential Reports for Decision:

  • P11143B & P11144A 168, 174 & 225 Lynch Road, Maude (Amendment to permits for extractive industry)
  • Golden Plains Shire Council Community Awards 2021

The next meeting of Council is Tuesday 22 February, 2022 at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, Bannockburn. All Council Meetings are available by livestream on Council’s YouTube page.