Council Meeting Summary: July 2020


The July Ordinary Meeting of Council for 2020 was held at the Linton Shire Hall last night, Tuesday 29 July, with all Councillors in attendance. In line with new guidelines from the Victorian Government, the meeting was not physically open to members of the public, and was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.

Assembly of Councillors and Delegates Report

The meeting began with the confirmation of the July Assembly of Councillors, before Councillors updated their colleagues and the public watching at home on what online events and forums they called into over the last month. Following this, Councillors moved on to a number of reports.

Community Strengthening Grants Program

The first report acknowledged the recipients of Round One of the 2020 Community Strengthening Grants Program. The 16 community projects were granted $74,284 across four funding streams: Healthy Active Living, Creative Community, Environment and Sustainability, and Community Safety. This grant investment will leverage another $229,246 in value and provide a return of $2.90 for every $1 contributed by Council.

Without the opportunity for a celebration event in the COVID-19 environment, the Councillors invited the recipients to watch the Council meeting on YouTube, and read out a short statement of the successful projects:

  • Leisure Networks ($8,000)
  • Haddon Recreational Committee of Management ($2,756)
  • Bannockburn and District Bowls Club ($4,500)
  • Inverleigh Golf Club ($8,900)
  • WRISC Family Violence Support ($2,880)
  • Meredith Recreation Reserve Committee of Management ($3,625)
  • Ross Creek/Smythes Creek Community Coordinators ($3,075)
  • Bannockburn CFA Brigade ($1,530)
  • Bannockburn Cemetery Trust ($5,000)
  • Rokewood/Corindhap Community Coordinators ($2,225)
  • Northern Access TV ($7,500)
  • Meredith History Interest Group ($2,663)
  • Smythesdale Community Arts ($3,000)
  • Friends of Bannockburn Bush ($5,000)
  • Ballarat Environment Network ($8,000)
  • Birdlife Australia ($5,630)

P19-347 57 Tarraford Way, Batesford (3 Lot Subdivision & Covenant Variation)

With three neighbouring objectors, Council deferred the matter and requested additional information in relation to the 5% public open space requirement.

P17-078 159 Muhlebach Road, Sutherlands Creek (Wine Production & Cellar Door Sales)

Council considered and approved the above planning permit application. Note: Cr Les Rowe declared a conflict of interest on this matter.

Section 96(A) Application P19-306

Council considered this proposal to rezone 67ha of farm land south of Charlton Road in Bannockburn, to allow a large urban residential subdivision of 852 lots. Although this land has been identified as future residential for many years, it also forms part of what is now known as the Bannockburn Growth Plan. The Bannockburn Growth Plan will seek to guide the coordinated development of the land under investigation. Council considered and refused the permit application, citing that the best outcome for the future use and development of the subject land will be achieved if the planning process is undertaken as part of the wider Growth Plan area, including the preparation of the precinct structure plans, in consultation with the Bannockburn community.

Bakers Lane Reserve Management Plan 2020‑2030

Bakers Lane Reserve is a 3.68 hectare freehold Council reserve with significant environmental assets on Bakers Lane in Teesdale. The Environment and Sustainability Team are currently managing the Reserve for its environmental and public open space values and to minimise fire risk. The Reserve was the site of the award-winning Wiyn-murrup yangarramela - Fire Spirit Comes Back project in 2017 which used traditional owner cultural burning to the site. Following community consultation on the draft plan, Council adopted the Bakers Lane Reserve Management Plan 2020‑2030.

Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program

Since the adoption of Council’s 2020/21 budget in June 2020, Council has been allocated an additional $1,333,655 as part of the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

With the funding, Council resolved to include the following projects in its 20/21 capital program:

  • Reserve Road Bridge in Rokewood – Replacement: $700,000
  • Maude Recreation Reserve / Lookout Water Supply: $15,500
  • Playground Renewal in Dereel, Linton, Garibaldi and Haddon: $240,455
  • Inverleigh Female Friendly Change Rooms: $177,700*
  • GPS Youth Hub: $100,000*
  • Bannockburn Skate Park: $100,000*

*Subject to successful funding applications. In the event the contributing funding is not secured, the funding will be diverted to deliver the widening of Meredith-Shelford Road.

Bannockburn Family Service Centre Long Day Care Lease Proposal

Council resolved to commence the statutory procedures under section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989 to invite public submissions on its intention to grant a lease to Kardinia Childcare Inc. for part of the Bannockburn Family Services Centre, 2a Pope St, Bannockburn.

The lease proposal is on the following terms and conditions:

  • Commencement of operations: To be agreed between the parties
  • Rent Year 1: $184,400 per annum plus GST
  • Rental increase: 4% every year from second anniversary of commencement date
  • Term: 5 years with a further 5 year option.

The proposal includes that the Tenant would commence operating from the centre in January 2021.

Written submissions are invited from 29 July to 26 August.

Local Government Act 2020 Implementation - Documents For Adoption

In order to achieve compliance with Stage 2 implementation of the phased introduction of the new Local Government Act 2020, Council adopted the following policies: Council Expenses Policy; Audit and Risk Committee Charter; Delegation – Council to CEO; Appointment and Delegation – Delegated Committees (no action required by Golden Plains Shire Council); and Appointment – Asset Committees (no action required by Golden Plains Shire Council).

Local Government Act 2020 Implementation - Documents For Public Exhibition

Council endorsed the following documents associated with the Local Government Act 2020 for public exhibition: Governance Rules (including Public Participation in Council Meetings Policy and Election Period Policy); and Public Transparency Policy.

Following public exhibition from 29 July to 12 August, these abovementioned policies must be adopted by Council by 1 September 2020.

Review Of Instrument Of Appointment And Authorisation - Planning And Environment Act 1987

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) appoints the majority of authorised officers under Council’s delegation to the CEO. However, the appointment of authorised officers under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 cannot be delegated and must be made through resolution of Council. This review specifically covered consideration and inclusion of changes required under the new Local Government Act 2020 and was adopted by Council.

Other Reports

A number of other quarterly reports were all considered and approved by Council:

  • Council Plan Implementation – Quarter Four 2019/20
  • Financial Statements For The Year Ended 30 June 2020 – Interim Result
  • In Principle Performance Statement And In-Principle Financial Statements For The Year Ended 30 June 2020
  • Councillor Expenses And Meeting Attendance Report - Fourth Quarter Ending 30 June 2020

Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Renewal 2020 - 2022

Council’s Digital Transformation Strategy commits to having technology solutions that are business driven and benefits focused. The introduction of Office365 to Council will provide increased mobility, security, efficiency and engagement for the organisation. Council approved this report.

The next meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 25 August, 2020 at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, and available by livestream.

Mayor's Video Update

Watch the video update from Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey with highlights from the July 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Watch the July 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council

Watch the recording of the July 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Part One

Part Two