Council Meeting Summary: June 2019


The June Ordinary Meeting of Council was held at Linton Customer Service Centre on Tuesday 25 June with all Councillors in attendance.

With the frost already starting to settle in outside, Council discussed a number of matters, including delegate reports, several planning applications, the 2019/20 Budget, the Community Satisfaction Survey, Council Plan 2017-2021, Community Grant Program, and a number of internal Council policies. It was also the first Council Meeting where a public question had been submitted, however on this occasion the submitter was not present.

Delegates Report

The meeting began with Councillors reporting on some of the key events they had attended over the past month, including the official openings of the Smythesdale Skate Park Redevelopment, Linton Netball Change Rooms, and Linton Oval Lighting Project.

Cr Evans also noted his attendance of the 2019 National Local Government Infrastructure and Asset Management Conference, and Mayor Sharkey and Cr Gilbert spoke on their attendance of the National General Assembly of Local Governments in Canberra.

Citizen Recognition Award

The Mayor then presented a Citizen Recognition Award to recognise the fantastic sporting achievements of Marshall McMahon. Marshall is 11 years old, lives in Bannockburn and has been competing in baseball for two years. In July, Marshall will compete in the Victorian State Team at the International Baseball Championship in Japan.

The meeting then moved back to planning reports with a number of reports presented.

P18-028 - Education centre (school) and associated signage at 30 Cumberland St South, Linton

Following a presentation by the presenter on behalf of the applicant, Council supported the planning application to redevelop the former Catholic Presbytery into a new independent Catholic school in Linton, accommodating up to 55 students from Prep to Grade 9.

P18-257 - Variation of Restrictive Covenant and Two (2) Lot Subdivision.

The recommendation from planning officers was that this planning permit application be supported, and Council adopted this recommendation.

P18-224 - Development of the land for additions and alterations to existing industry, including earthworks, and alterations to hours of operation

The application had been referred to the Council Meeting for determination due to objections to the application. Council resolved to defer the matter until a later date.

Development Plan DP-053 - 6 Doherty Street, Bannockburn

The Development Plan for 6 Doherty Street, Bannockburn was supported by Councillors.

Development Plan DP-015 - 385 Common Road, Inverleigh

The recommendation from planning officers was that this development plan application be supported, and Council supported this recommendation.

Adoption of 2019-20 Golden Plains Shire Council Budget

The meeting then moved onto the adoption of the 2019-20 Budget, incorporating the 2019-20 rating fees and charges pursuant to Section 127 of the Local Government Act 1989.

The 2019-20 Draft Budget was prepared based on the adopted principles within the 2017-2021 Council Plan and Strategic Resource Plan within the framework of a 2.5% rate increase cap mandated by the State Government.

After making the document available for public inspection and inviting submissions under Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, Council received a total of 24 submissions, addressing a total of 7 issues. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday 11 June 2019 to hear from 3 submitters who requested to address Council in support of their submission. Amendments to the budget include additional commentary and schedules of programs, however no change to any financial data in the budget was required.

Councillors put forward a revised motion that the 2019/20 Budget be adopted, with a reduction of the waste charge by 2.5% from the proposed $338 in the Draft Budget to $330. This reduction was in light of the charge increase in the 2018/19 Budget due to the recycling crisis. Given the recycling crisis is still unresolved, Councillors agreed the previous year’s increase could provide enough funding to manage changes in the 2019/20 year. The changes will now be made to the budget document to be then submitted to the Victorian Minister for Local Government by 30 June 2019.

Council also approved the waiving of fees for e-waste items at the Rokewood Transfer Station, to encourage residents to use the facility given the State Government’s ban on these items in rubbish bins from 1 July 2019.

Community Satisfaction Survey 2019

Councillors then discussed the results of the Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2019, which was conducted over a period from 1 February to 30 March 2019. While the Shire’s overall performance index was below the previous year, the report provides key findings and recommendations on areas for improvement for Council.

Council Plan 2017-21 Annual Review

The Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) requires that at least once each financial year Council must consider whether the current Council Plan requires any adjustment in respect of the remaining period of the Council Plan. Community engagement was undertaken ensuring that Council’s review of the Council Plan was appropriately informed. Councillors supported the adoption of the Council Plan noting that a review of the Plan and strategies aligned will be presented to Council at future briefings.

Community Grant Program 2019/20 

Council then moved on to discuss the Community Grants Program for 2019/20. Council resolved to deliver $110,873 I grants to 32 eligible applications from local community groups and organisations. Council acknowledged the great benefits the Community Grant Program provides to the Golden Plains community, and supported the recommendation to award these grants to the successful applicants.

Review of Instrument of Delegation - Council to Members of Staff (Planning and Environment Act 1987)

The Local Government Act 1989 enables Council to delegate functions, duties and powers – other than exemptions under sections 86(4) and 98(1) of the Act – to the CEO, Council staff and special committees established under section 86. The instruments of delegation from Council to members of Council staff was reviewed and adopted by at the 28 May 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, subject to some changes required, and a further detailed review was undertaken. Following Council consideration, further clarity on some of the key changes was required, and will be deferred to a future meeting.

Adoption of the Procurement Policy

Council is committed to ensuring continuous improvement and strong compliance processes are in place for its procurement activities in order to achieve value for money and generate benefits for Council and its community. Council officers conducted a major review of the procurement policy, and Councillors supported the revised procurement policy.

Review of Council Policies Register and Schedule

Council currently has 45 Council Policies (policies) that guide activities and decision making. An overall review of the current status of policies was recently been undertaken. Of the 45 policies, 6 are currently overdue for review, 20 are proposed to be revoked and 2 are proposed for a review extension. Council supported the review of the council policies to streamline and ensure council policies were provided to support community interests.

Council Policy Review - 4.4 - Public Participation in Council Meetings 

This policy was adopted by Council at its meeting held on 23 April 2019, however, some minor changes to the policy have since been required. Council supported the changes, noting that this would provide clarity on some key points following the implementation of the Local Law 1 in May.

Victorian School Crossing Supervisor Program

Council then discussed the future funding model of the Victorian School Crossing Supervisor Program. Councillors noted the important safety work that school crossing supervisors do and supported advocating for the State Government to fully fund the School Crossing Supervisor Program from 1 July 2020, including a request for two new supervised crossings in Haddon. Council also resolved to co-fund a school crossing supervisor for Haddon Primary School with VicRoads for the 2019/20 Financial Year.