Council Meeting Summary: May 2019


The Ordinary Meeting of Council was held at Bannockburn Shire Hall on Tuesday 28 May with all Councillors in attendance and many community members in the gallery.

It was the first meeting operating under Council’s new Local Law No. 1, which includes the new Question Time. While there were no questions lodged at this meeting, residents are welcome to ask up to two questions at each Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Young Achiever Award

The meeting began with the special recognition of the impressive achievements of a local young person. The Mayor presented a certificate of recognition to Trinity Crawford of Sutherlands Creek, who was nominated for her leadership attributes and outstanding contribution to the Golden Plains Shire community through extensive volunteering. This month, Trinity was a semi-finalist of the Seven News Young Achiever Award.

Draft Inverleigh Streetscape Masterplan

Following extensive community consultation, the Draft Inverleigh Streetscape Masterplan returned to Council Chambers. Council acknowledged that the community does not currently support the Draft Inverleigh Streetscape Masterplan and set it aside for review in the future. Council also committed to delivering the Works Plan projects under its current works maintenance budget.

P18-160 – Construction of a House at 110A & 110J, Stephens Road, Bannockburn

The recommendation from planning officers was that this planning permit application be refused and Council support this recommendation.

P16-276 - Two Lot Subdivision at 12 Cope Street, Scarsdale

The recommendation from planning officers was that this planning permit application be refused as the applicant, over an extended period of time, had not provided the necessary information to consider the application. Council again supported the officer recommendation.

Planning Scheme Amendment C80 - Inverleigh Flood Mapping

Council adopted the Planning Scheme Amendment C80 and requested the Minister for Planning to approve the amendment, too. With detailed mapping and modelling in place, the amendment proposes significant modifications to the extent and nature of existing flood mapping in Inverleigh. Following exhibition of the amendment Council is now in a position to consider adopting the amendment and requesting approval from the Minister for Planning. Council supported the officer recommendation.

Elder Park Management

Recently, Council sought Expressions of Interest for a community group to manage Elder Park, Rokewood. As a result of the EoI, one submission was received from the Rokewood/Corindhap Football Netball Club and Council decided that a five year lease be entered into with the Rokewood/Corindhap Football Netball Club to manage Elder Park, Rokewood, noting that the lease will have conditions that allow for broader public use if any major events require access to the land.

Review of Instrument Delegation

The Local Government Act 1989 enables Council to delegate functions, duties and powers, other than exemptions under sections 86(4) and 98(1) of the Act, to the CEO, Council staff and special committees established under Section 86. A review of the Instruments of Delegation from Council to members of Council staff has been undertaken and Council approved the recommendations.

Local Government Inspectorate Report

At the organisation’s request, in November 2018 Golden Plains Shire Council participated in an examination by the Local Government Inspectorate (LGI) to ensure Council’s processes and practices, specifically, in relation to governance and procurement, met the requirements of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act). Council were supportive of all the recommended actions detailed in the LGI report to improve current process and practices; and a number of activities are now underway or planned, to implement the recommendations. The actions underway are being monitored internally and a progress report on the actions will be provided at the September Audit and Risk Committee meeting.

Notice of Motion (NOM)

A Notice of Motion was tabled by Councillor Evans, requesting that Council approve the sum of $15,000 as its contribution to fund the City of Greater Geelong scoping study for a livestock and Education Exchange in the region. The Council decided not to support the Notice of Motion.

The Quarterly Finance Report; Audit and Risk Committee Report and Charter Review; and the Councillor Allowances and Expenses Quarterly Report were all approved by Council. In addition, Council formally appointed Director of Corporate Services Philippa O’ Sullivan to serve as Acting CEO, while CEO Eric Braslis is on leave from 7 June to 8 July 2019.