Council Meeting Summary: November 2020


The November and first monthly Meeting of the new Council was held at the Golden Plains Civic Centre last night, Tuesday 24 November, with all Councillors in attendance. In line with guidelines from the Victorian Government due to COVID-19, the meeting was not physically open to members of the public, and was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.

Delegates Report

With no Public Question Time questions received, the meeting began with the confirmation of the Delegates Report, highlighting what the Councillors have been up to over the past two months, noting that much of this time the Councillors were in Caretaker mode.

Community Strengthening Grants – Round Two 2020

Council then moved on to acknowledge the recipients of Round Two of the 2020 Community Strengthening Grants Program. The 17 community projects were granted $71,928 across four funding streams: Healthy Active Living, Creative Community, Environment and Sustainability, and Community Safety. This grant investment will leverage another $204,560 in value and provide a return of $2.80 for every $1 contributed by Council.

Without the opportunity for a celebration event in the COVID-19 environment, the Councillors invited the recipients to watch the Council meeting on YouTube, and read out a short statement of the successful projects. You can find the full list of successful recipients from all corners of the Shire here.

Golden Plains Shire Council 2019-20 Annual Report - Adoption

In accordance with the Local Government Act, Council must prepare and adopt an Annual Report every financial year. The majority of the reporting requirements for the 2019-20 year were completed and presented to the Council meeting in September 2020, however at that time the audited financial statements had not been signed off by the Auditor General. Those statements were received in October 2020 and the complete 2019-20 Annual Report is now presented to Council for adoption. A copy of the Annual Report will be available on Council’s website later this week.

Council Plan 2021-2025 Development – Project Plan and Timelines

The Local Government Act 2020 requires that all Councils prepare and adopt a Council Plan for a period of at least the next four financial years by 31 October in the year following a general election. This report details the legislative requirements, project plan, key stages and scheduled timelines to develop and adopt the 2021-2025 Council Plan, building off the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040. The project plan and timelines have been developed in collaboration with Council officers across a number of areas and some steps have already commenced. Council endorsed the plan and Council Officers will now continue to progress key stages for the development and adoption of the Council Plan by 30 June 2021.

Quarterly Finance Report and Quarterly Council Plan 2017-2021 Implementation – Progress Report

Council then received and noted both the Quarterly Finance Report and the Quarterly Council Plan 2017-2021 Implementation - Progress Report for the quarter ending 30 September 2020. The Income Statement report found Council is in a favourable position compared to the original and revised budgets. The Capital Works Statement indicates total capital works expenditure of $4.4m, which is $2.9m above the original budget, and $1.8m above the revised budget.

Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Extension Funding Allocation

In early October, the Federal Government announced Council would receive an additional $1,512,680 from its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and Council resolved to allocate this funding to several different projects:

  • Replace bridge guardrails at various locations ($200,000)
  • Upgrade Enfield Playground ($250,000)
  • Upgrade Buninyong – Mt Mercer Road / Hardies Hill Road, Garibaldi intersection ($250,000)
  • Upgrade Derwent Jacks Road/Snow Gum Road/Reef Road/Chromes Road, Berringa intersection ($250,000)
  • Paddys Gully Road Bridge Replacement, Rokewood Junction ($318,680)
  • Bannockburn Skate Park Upgrade ($99,900)
  • Lethbridge Cricket Net Upgrade ($145,000)

You can read more about this funding here.

Draft Community Engagement Policy

Council endorsed the Draft Community Engagement Policy to go out for public exhibition and feedback from Thursday 26 November to 11 January 2021. As part of new requirements introduced under the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act), all councils are required to adopt and maintain a Community Engagement Policy, and have one adopted on or before 1 March 2021. Council’s Draft Policy provides a clear and succinct process that improves Council’s existing practises to ensure deliberative engagement opportunities are well planned, inclusive, accessible and appropriate.

In discussing the Policy at the meeting, it was noted that this document meets the strategic requirements of the Act, and that Council looks forward to engaging with the community in detail next year on its commitment for community engagement, as part of the development of the new Community Engagement Strategy.

Establishment of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee

For many years, Council has chaired, organised and participated in the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC). The MEMPC was made up of Council staff and Emergency Management partners in Barwon South West and Grampians Regions to work through current emergency management issues and plan for hazards.  Due to changes that will come into effect next month, the structure of the MEMPC will change for the inaugural meeting in 2021, and Council agreed to disestablish the current MEMPC and to authorise the CEO to establish a new MEMPC.

Council and Audit Committee Meeting dates 2021

Council then moved on to lock in the meeting dates for Council Meetings and Audit Committee Meetings for 2021. Council meetings will continue to be closed to public attendance until the end of April and livestreamed instead, with Council to reassess the COVID-19 situation in April next year.

Council Delegates 2020/21

Following deciding the dates of meetings, Council then approved which Councillors will serve on various committees and boards. In a new feature, Council appointed Councillors to portfolios in line with the Council’s directorates:

  • Corporate Services Portfolio: Cr Rowe and Cr Cunningham
  • Community Services Portfolio: Cr Sharkey and Cr Getsom
  • Infrastructure and Development Portfolio: Cr Whitfield and Cr Gamble

Proposed Sale of Council Owned Land at Lomandra Drive, Teesdale

In April 2020, Council issued a Planning Permit for the subdivision of Council owned land at Lomandra Drive, Teesdale. Council published two notices to comply with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act, and at the conclusion of the advertising period, no objections to the proposed sale of Council owned land at Lomandra Drive, Teesdale were received. As a result, Council has agreed to sell the land.


Council then move on to award three tenders:

  • Road widening of the Meredith-Shelford Road, Meredith from Henderson’s Road to Lower Plains Road was awarded to Bitu-Mill (Civil) Pty Ltd for the sum of $874,534.82.
  • Shoulder sealing and guardrail fencing along the Shelford-Mt Mercer Road in Mt Mercer and Russells Bridge Road in Sutherlands Creek was awarded to Bitu-Mill (Civil) Pty Ltd for the sum of $1,007,037.35
  • A panel of suppliers for the supply of quarry products for Council’s road maintenance and construction programs was awarded to DE Quarry Solutions, Geelong Quarries Pty Ltd, Holcim and North Altona Rock Blasting.

Councillor Expenses and Meeting Attendance Report

Finally, Council noted the Councillor Expenses and Meeting Attendance Report.

The next meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 15 December, 2020 at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, and available by livestream.

Mayor's Video Update

Watch the video update from Mayor Cr Helena Kirby with highlights from the November 2020 Meeting of Council.

Watch the November 2020 Meeting of Council

Watch the recording of the November 2020 Meeting of Council.